
跟从耶稣,而不是追随犹太/希伯来寻根运动 Follow Jesus Not The Jewish/Hebrew Roots - Anthony

胜过肉体、恐惧和魔鬼 Overcome the flesh, fear and the devil - Jan Boshoff

文字稿 False Revivals and False Christs - Andrew Tiner

中英文字稿 听上帝的道并且遵行的人有福了 Blessed are Those Who Hear the Word of God and Keep it! - Andrew Tiner

你是在教导孩子服从耶稣,还是让世界把他们培养成地狱之人? - Andrew Tiner

文字稿 Are You Teaching Your Children to Obey JESUS or Letting the World Raise Them for HELL? - Andrew Tiner

富人Rich People - Jan Boshoff

文字稿It's Clear What Jesus Wants His Disciples to be Doing - Andrew Tiner

文字稿Will You Sit with JESUS On HIS Throne? - Andrew Tiner

文字稿 Christ's Finished Work on the Cross LIE - Andrew Tiner

为耶稣做光,警醒预备,不要浪费时间 Be a Light for Jesus Be On Watch and Don't Waste Time-Andrew Tiner

只管祷告Just Pray - Jan Boshoff

文字稿 Be a Light for Jesus Be On Watch and Don't Waste Time - Andrew Tiner

文字稿Things You Wouldn't Think Exclude You from Heaven - Andrew Tiner

属灵战争:不要让魔鬼绊倒你 Don't let the devil trip you - Jan Boshoff

文字稿 Forsake ALL For Jesus or You Cannot be His - Andrew Tiner

我的见证:洪水泛滥之时,耶和华坐着为王The Lord Sat Enthroned At The Flood

但以理书2章的预言正在我们眼前实现Daniel 2 Prophecy Being Fulfilled before Us - Andrew Tiner

文字稿 Daniel 2 Prophecy Being Fulfilled before Us - Andrew Tiner

聆听圣灵的声音迫在眉睫Times are Critical to be Hearing from the Holy Spirit - Andrew Tiner

文字稿 Times are Critical to be Hearing from the Holy Spirit - Andrew Tiner

你是否应该成为末日预备者?Should You Become a Doomsday Prepper - Andrew Tiner

留在这条路上Stay on the road - Jan Boshoff

Transcript 文字稿 Should You Become a Doomsday Prepper - Andrew Tiner