文字稿 Times are Critical to be Hearing from the Holy Spirit - Andrew Tiner


Times are Critical to be Hearing from the Holy Spirit

There is nothing in all of this world like having a relationship with Jesus Christ and actually hearing from His Holy Spirit. If we receive the Holy Spirit, we will be His children, we will hear His voice, and we will be led by Him. Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice, and they don't listen to a stranger. The problem is most Christians have never received the Holy Spirit. They have just received the Bible as their teacher, they listen to the words of their pastor, and their wise counsel are the other people that are their peers in their church. But because they have never heard the Holy Spirit, they write off the Holy Spirit and the supernatural gifts as hocus pocus, your own imagination, your heart feeling, and just your own ideas and your own emotions. But if you write the Holy Spirit off as those things, you are going to be in a world of hurt as this world goes on, because the only way that anyone can navigate is by the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit and His guidance, you are blind, you are deaf, and you don't have the Spirit of Life. It doesn't matter how great your counselors are in this world, or your spiritual counsel from others, from peers, all of it will come to nothing in the end, unless you truly know Jesus Christ and are being carried along by the power of His Holy Spirit. So the question is, have you truly repented and received the Holy Spirit? Do you know for certain that He is the One leading you? Or are you being led by your own understanding, and by your peers, by the counselors of this world? I encourage you to truly repent, seek the Lord Jesus, ask Him for the oil of the Holy Spirit, that you can have life, and enter into everlasting life.
