
将你的目光投放在耶稣身上 Keep Your Eyes on Jesus - Andrew Tiner

文字稿转录 Keep Your Eyes on Jesus - Andrew Tiner

你真的得救了吗?ARE YOU REALLY SAVED? - Jan Boshoff

文字稿转录 Crazy Church Dream: WARNING: Verbally Graphic Content - Andrew Tiner

文字稿转录 Profile of a Christian - Andrew Tiner

文字稿转录 Don't Support Hollywood, Disney Etc... - Andrew Tiner

文字稿 Repent of Sexual Immorality - Andrew Tiner

脚踏两条船 Divided Heart - Georges Assaf (Eternal Call)

是时候起来战斗而不是总在逃跑了 IT'S TIME TO FIGHT NOT TO FLEE - Jan Boshoff

他们将灵魂卖给了魔鬼They sold their soul to the devil - finalcall07