文字稿 Christ's Finished Work on the Cross LIE - Andrew Tiner


Christians often talk about the finished work of Jesus on the cross. And the sort of Christians that like to talk about this are the sorts of Christians that feel entitled to go to heaven. They think that because Jesus has already died on the cross and resurrected, that this gives them the privilege to go to heaven no matter what they do, as long as they believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. This is a lie from the devil. If we don't have faith with works, then our faith is dead. We have to truly repent, get sober, and follow Jesus with all of our heart to the very end of our life. And if we don't show by our actions that we have faith, then we are just lying to ourselves. There is no such thing as once saved, always saved, saying a magic prayer, and then Jesus has to let us into heaven as if we can force God to do anything. Do you have faith with actions, or have you believed in this lie that because Jesus has finished His work on the cross, you don't have to finish yours? May the grace of Jesus be with you. 
