我的见证:洪水泛滥之时,耶和华坐着为王The Lord Sat Enthroned At The Flood

洪水泛滥之时,耶和华坐着为王The Lord Sat Enthroned At The Flood




十天之前的那个周五, 2023年1月27日,新西兰的第一大城市奥克兰突然发生洪水,这是一场出人意料的灾难。因为没有一家天气预报预测到那一天会有洪水,会有四个人失去生命,会有多处滑坡,多处积水,许多车辆被淹没,许多房屋被洪水摧毁,从此许多人有家难回。

通常雨势稍大,中雨以上,我不会出门。可是那个周五之前的周二已经在Wairau Valley(这是受灾最严重的区域)一家杂货店太平超市订购了肉类,需要周五当天取回家,因此才有了冒雨去拿的行程。我通常在这家杂货店拿好食品,还会到附近的Pakn'save买齐一周生活所需再回家,这样比较节约时间。可是周五这一天,离开杂货店时是下午4:30,开车经过Pakn'save时,主提醒我直接回家,不要进去,缺少的物品周末到我们家附近的另一家Pakn'save店买好了。所以我直接回家了。

没有人知道这时候一场灾难正在到来。大家一如既往的继续自己的行程。有人搭乘公交车,有人下班老路线开车回家...我也不知道,但我知道主在我心里有提醒,所以我顺从他的提醒,穿过Glenfield这个区,经过Unsworth Heights 回到我所住的Albany. 当晚在我打开Facebook的Unsworth Heights的邻居群(我不看电视,基本也不看新闻,也很少用访问邻居群,那一天被主带领打开)时惊讶的发现,这个区的道路已经泡在洪水中了,邻居们纷纷贴出照片,以及我本来打算去的超市也遭遇严重洪水,我才知道主从哪里救了我!以下这个视频会给你一点概念 https://youtu.be/Qq_4VgOvpfk?si=CNUADHNuGQk929qE

我本来要去的超市Pak'nsave Wairau店,在我顺服上帝回家后,遭遇的洪水情况  https://youtube.com/shorts/MpsMC34dHeI?si=zp0md-a0-ES5PQCH  

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtURSCu8nys&t=13s   当时奥克兰的水灾情况。 Wairau Valley是受灾最严重的地方,我在洪水灾难爆发前30-60分钟时从那里驾车回家。





The Lord Sat Enthroned At The Flood

(This testimony was written in January 2023 and was delayed in publication)

Psalms 29:

10The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood,
And the Lord sits as King forever.
11The Lord will give strength to His people;
The Lord will bless His people with peace.

My Testimony:
If disaster comes from the Lord,
 no one can predict it, 
and if it is not for the Lord's mercy, 
no one could escape

Ten days ago on that Friday, January 27, 2023, the largest city in New Zealand, Auckland, suddenly flooded in an unexpected disaster. Because none of the weather forecasts predicted a flood on that day, four people lost their lives, there were multiple landslides, many waterlogged areas, and many vehicles were submerged, many houses were destroyed by floodwaters, and since then many people have had a hard time returning to their homes.

Usually when the rain is a little heavy, moderate or more, I don't go out. But the Tuesday before that Friday had ordered meat from a grocery store, Taiping Supermarket, in the Wairau Valley (which was the hardest hit area) and needed to pick it up and take it home on Friday, hence the trip to pick it up in the rain. Usually after picking up my groceries at this grocery store, I would go to the nearby Pakn'save to get everything my family need for the whole week before heading home so as to save time. But on this Friday day, it was 4:30 pm when I left the grocery store, and as I drove by Pakn'save, the Lord reminded me to go straight home, not in, and that the lacking items could be purchased over the weekend at another Pakn'save store near our home. So I went straight home.

No one knew that a disaster was on the way at this time. Everyone continued their journeys as usual. Some took the bus, some drove home from work on their usual routes... I didn't know, but I knew the Lord had a reminder in my heart, so I obeyed His reminder and made my way through the Glenfield area, through Unsworth Heights, and back to Albany, where I live. That night, after I opened up the Unsworth Heights Neighborhood Group on Facebook. (I don't watch TV, basically don't watch the news, and rarely use access to the Neighborhood Group, which I was led by the Lord to open that day) I was surprised to find that the roads in this district had been soaked in floodwaters, and with neighbors posting pictures, as well as the supermarket I had planned to visit experiencing severe flooding, I realized where the Lord had saved me from!
This video below will give you a bit of an idea https://youtu.be/Qq_4VgOvpfk?si=CNUADHNuGQk929qE  
The flooding situation at the Pak'nsave Wairau store, the supermarket I was going to visit, after I obeyed God and went home. https://youtube.com/shorts/MpsMC34dHeI?si=zp0md-a0-ES5PQCH

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtURSCu8nys&t=13s The flooding situation in Auckland at that time. Wairau Valley was the worst affected area and I drove home from there about 30-60 minutes before the flood disaster broke out. 

When we woke up the next morning, the sun was shining brightly outside our window and our relatives and friends at China greeted us to see if we were safe as they had also seen the news about the flooding. Thank God that He arranged for us to live on higher ground and all was safe. The pictures above of the road outside our house were taken the day after the flood.

As I opened my Bible, the Lord took me to Psalm 29 and had me read

10 In the time of the flood the LORD sat as king;
The LORD sits as king forever.
11 The LORD will give strength to his people;
The LORD will give the blessing of peace to his people.

Amen! He is true, He is good! He lives!
