文字稿 Daniel 2 Prophecy Being Fulfilled before Us - Andrew Tiner


Daniel 2 Prophecy Being Fulfilled before Us

There is this mysterious prophecy in Daniel chapter 2 and it talks about how iron doesn't mix perfectly with clay and about how they try to mix their seed with men. And in the latter days of these kings, these things will happen where demons are trying to mix with men. This happens through technology, through AI. These demons try to speak their ideas into the hearts of men and try to possess men.

But from the beginning, God did not create demons to be in unity with humans. He created humans to be in unity with the Holy Spirit. He created us to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we could be in the image of God, not in the image of Satan. The kingdom of Satan, the kingdoms of this world, are going to come to an end. They are going to fall apart and end in hell. It is happening right now.

Satan is taking people to hell. He is possessing them. Maybe he has already possessed you. But your opportunity to repent is right now. It is today. Tomorrow is not granted. It is not promised to you. But if you are still alive and you have breath in your lungs, you have the opportunity to cry out to God, say, “Lord Jesus, save me from my sins. I repent today. I believe in what You did on the cross. I believe that You died and resurrected and You made a way for me to be saved from my sins. I pray that You take away from me my will to do evil and I pray that I have the will to do good.”

 You need to be purged of your old life. You need the old life to come out of you and the Holy Spirit to come into you. The kingdom that is coming is going to be a kingdom that is forever and ever, where Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. Either you will be a part of His kingdom or you will be taken to hell by the demons that are wanting to possess you today. Where will you spend eternity? Because right now you are securing your destiny. Will you be in heaven or in hell? May the grace of Jesus be with you.
