
文字稿 Two BIG Reasons to Separate from Worldly People - Andrew Tiner

寻找好教会?Finding the right church - Jan Boshoff

无视上帝 回避上帝Avoiding and Ignoring God -finalcall07

不要有阴谋论思想 Don't Have a Conspiratorial Mind - Andrew Tiner

文字稿转录 Don't Have a Conspiratorial Mind - Andrew Tiner

如果你真的想要,你就能得以解脱 Deliverance is yours IF you really want it - Jan Boshoff

你必须先停止犯罪 You must FIRST STOP SINNING - Jan Boshoff

如何摆脱罪和上瘾?How to be FREE from SIN and ADDICTIONS - Jan Boshoff

上帝对你的灵说话 God speaks into your spirit - Jan Boshoff


与耶稣相遇的神迹 The Miracle of Meeting Jesus - Jan Boshoff

电子游戏和电影正在造就杀人犯、恋童癖和强奸犯 Video Games & Movies Produce MURDERERS PEDOPHILES RAPISTS - Jan Boshoff

文字稿转录 当心宗教的灵 教会的灵 Beware of the Religious Church Spirit - Andrew Tiner

不要让撒旦偷走你的喜乐 Don't Let sATAN Steal Your Joy-Andrew Tiner

文字稿转录 Let NO ONE Extinguish Your Fire for the LORD - Andrew Tiner

上帝对我说话那天,我祷告时说了什么?/上帝怎样说话 What I prayed the day God spoke to me / How God speaks - Alin