英文文字稿Are You Confused About Salvation? - Alec


Are you confused about your salvation? Do you have questions about whether or not you are pleasing to the Lord, if you're doing his will, if you've backslidden, if you have committed blasphemy in your mind or if you're confused about what true doctrine is about what pastors or men of God are saying. The only way to solve this confusion is to go to Jesus Christ, shut the door behind you as you go into your closet, get on your knees, and pray to your father in heaven, and ask him sincerely, earnestly, and in humbleness, what do I need to do to be pleasing to you? Show me what your doctrine is. Show me the narrow path.

Show me what I need to do in my own life so that I can be right with you. The stumbling block that gets cast to many people who try to follow the Lord are what one person says over another. There are lots of pastors. There are lots of people on YouTube in their prophet in their prophet form. Lots of prophets, lots of people speaking, supposedly in the name of Jesus, telling you you need to do one thing or you need to do another, and that one thing conflicts with the other thing that you heard another supposed man of God testifying in the name of Jesus speaking, or something is about to happen within the next couple of months, the next couple of years, prophesying about future events, or even true men of God who genuinely have the Holy Spirit within them, but the error is that we're not hearing from the Lord ourselves.

What you need to do is be serious and stop listening to other people and establish your relationship with Jesus Christ. Because he is a living God. He is alive. So when you pray, know that your father is listening. Know that your father is alive.

He's real, and he loves you, and he cares for you, and he wants to teach you. He wants to make you his sheep. He wants to make you his, to translate and convert you into a true child of God worthy of eternal life. He's not gonna confuse you. He's not the author of confusion.

He's not gonna speak one form of doctrine to one man and then another form of doctrine to another. There's gonna be division. There's gonna be some manner of strife, but where you will never go wrong is asking Jesus for yourself. Asking Jesus, what do I need to do to be right with you? Show me the way.

Show me what is truth. Give me discernment, Lord, so that I can reason, so that I can discern between good and evil, right and wrong, and make it an effort make an effort within yourself to stop listening to other people. And this message isn't to condemn any true brother or any true sister making messages that come from the Holy Spirit, because I would thereby be trying to shut the Holy Spirit up. But. The source of confusion, even so.

Is that we're listening to too many people. So I encourage the true brothers and sisters to carry on making messages for Jesus, but also I encourage those who listen, who listen to this message, and listen to those other messages, that we don't go to those people, that we don't trust in those people with our souls, but that we give that trust to Jesus Christ alone, and that trust will build the fruit of faith, will build the fruit of love, will build the fruit of discernment, the fruit of judgment, and the fruit of holiness. We won't be able to attain those things if we are not 100% with all of our heart, soul, mind, strength, and might within us, going to Jesus Christ first and foremost. So what needs to happen is start praying to the Lord now. Stop listening to other people, and listen to Jesus Christ.

Do what you need to do, pray until you break through, and the Lord is going to reward those who are diligent. The Lord will reward the person who prays without ceasing, and that's not to say to just pray all day, every day and stop living the life that you've been given as far as what duties you have on this earth. But praying, not giving up, not being a quitter, because the Lord is not going to reward somebody who quits when they don't get what they want in their time. So the whole point of this message is go to Jesus, pray, and if you ask, you will receive. And when you pray according unto your father's will, which is in heaven, know that you will receive it.

And the Lord will show you all truth, and you will overcome the confusion, the doubt, the fear that Satan is strangling your soul with if you go to Jesus and stop listening to other people. And I'll clarify one more time. I don't condemn true brothers and sisters, and I don't condemn you from watching a message from a true brother or a sister. That's not the purpose of this video, but it's to encourage the time of silence and that as far as what you're listening to and what you're watching to encourage that time and get to know the Lord and pray to him. He will help you overcome confusion, doubt, anxiety, fear, all the things, all the questions that you have about your salvation.

He will help you overcome. So make the move now, and don't wait. Pray to your father, and get to know the lord Jesus Christ, who is alive, who loves you, and cares for you, and wants you to enter his kingdom. But it all starts with praying to the Lord and asking him what you need to do, how to be right with him. Show me all of my sins, Lord, that I would repent from them, and walk a true walk of holiness before you.

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you.
