Transcript: The Reason of the Universe - Andrew Tiner


The Reason of the Universe

It doesn't make sense that this world created itself. The Big Bang does not make sense. How could something come into existence without a Creator? Anything that we look at in life that is sophisticated, such as a painting or a clock, a car, we don't just assume that it got there by a big bang or by chance. We always wonder who the creator of that object was. So the same goes when we consider the Earth, the universe and life itself. The Creator is always greater than the creation. And when we look at nature, we can tell that it is sophisticated. For example, a tree or an animal, it has very unique properties that obviously were put together by an intellect, by a mastermind. It is impossible that it just so happened without a Creator. And because we believe that there is a creator that created everything the wind, the water, the Earth, the Stars, the moon, everything that we can see, then we have to wonder, why was all of this created and more specifically? Why am I here? The Bible answers that question the reason why we are here is because God is love. He loves his creation, he didn't build creation just to suffer to live in pain and to die, but he created us that we would learn to love because the God that created the universe is the God of love, not as humans understand it carnally or in the world but true love.

So if we want to understand the meaning of life, we have to first love our creator, love the Lord Our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. And the second greatest command or the greatest thing that we can do, is like it which is to love our neighbor as ourselves. So if you're wondering what the purpose of your life is, it is to love God because he is love and he created everything that is in existence, everything that you can think of in this world he created, and then you love your neighbor as yourself. If we do that, we will start to figure out more what the meaning of life is.

 Too many people including Christians have totally missed the meaning of life. They think life is about religion, they think it's about Bible study or just making money, they think it's about serving themselves, but all of us bleed red, all of us are under time and underweight. And no matter how healthy we are eventually all of us will die and then comes the Judgment where we stand before God, and we will have to hold an account for everything that we did in this life, and we will be judged according to the one who is true love. And he will be asking us if we live according to his sort of Love or if we rejected his sort of love and his sort of Truth for the false ideas of love and lust and all the things of this world that men chase after. We will be judged according to our words and our actions which in the Bible calls our Deeds, Jesus calls it our Deeds. So how are we doing? Are we really loving the Lord Our God with all of our heart and our neighbor as ourself? Are we loving unconditionally even when people hate us even when people drag our name through the mud, even when it's by bad report? Are we still praying for our enemies and those who persecute us and those who disapprove of us for being a Christian? Are we caring what our father in Heaven thinks most of us? Are we living Our Lives as dedicated Christians unto the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel? You know those that stand up for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Jesus will stand up for them, his angels will stand up for them. But those who are ashamed of the Gospel, who are blaspheming the name of God, who are sickened by the gospel, Jesus will also be spewing them out of his mouth. Judgment will be coming on the world, because they have rejected the only salvation of God, that was through his son Jesus Christ. Are we rejecting Jesus? Are we rejecting the gospel? Or are we accepting the one who is true love that created us? Are we accepting Our Father in heaven and are we accepting his one and only the only begotten son that is Jesus Christ? If you do want everlasting life you need to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord, your savior and your king, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. You have to repent of your sins, stop sinning, make a 180 and start walking with the Lord Jesus, holding his hand. Jesus said that we had to overcome in this world and endure with him to the very end. There is a false gospel that is preached in the churches today and across our nation, that says that you don't really have to stop sinning, you don't really have to repent, you can just look like a good person just try to do better but you don't have to fully surrender to Jesus Christ, you don't have to obey him, you don't have to be unashamed of him, you just have to look like a Christian outwardly, and maybe give your tithe once a week or once a month to a church. That is the devil's gospel. The devil is taking this nation of people to hell because they refuse to truly repent and come into the light of Jesus Christ. If we want life, we have to do everything Jesus's way. Jesus is the way; he is the truth and he is the life and no one comes to the father except through him. Are you rooted on the rock of Jesus Christ? Is he your Lord your savior your king And are you in love with him Or are you like the world who is living for the lusts of their flesh. May the grace of Jesus be with you.
