文字稿 Is Christian Entertainment Fruitful?


Is Christian Entertainment Fruitful?

We'll praise Jesus today, everyone.  I wanted to make a short message here while on the go today. As disciples of Jesus, we always want to think about how we are doing for Jesus in bearing good fruit.  Because the Lord tells us that if we're not bearing good fruit, we are going to get cut off.  It's like a branch that gets pruned off of a tree. And if we're not fruitful and not bearing fruit for the kingdom of God, we are likely to be cut off at some point.  You know, the Lord gives us a chance. He gives us chance after chance to bear good fruit, to stop doing things that are evil, to repent.  But at some point, you get cut off from God, you stop hearing from Him.  At some point, you eventually die. And we want to make sure that everything that we are doing is fruitful for the kingdom of God.  And that we are loving the Lord with all of our heart, loving our neighbor as our self and doing the things that God created us to do in this life, instead of just wasting the precious breath and resources that God has given us.  So how can we, with everything we have, bear good fruit? That means that whatever we're doing is for Jesus.  And just not for our own pleasure. Not to gratify the desires of the flesh, but to live in the newness of life.  And to promote the kingdom of God. I think Jesus made it pretty clear in the Gospels what it means to live for Him and His Gospel to deny our self, you know, deny our flesh, take up our process and follow Him every day.  That's what it looks like to read again the Gospels, pay attention to the Gospels. And as you are guided by the Holy Spirit, you start to realize which things in your own life specifically are beneficial to the kingdom of God and which things aren't.  Now, there are some people that want to make really strict rules, saying that “You have to wear this kind of clothing.  You can't wear that kind of clothing. All makeup, all jewelry are satanic. You can't engage in any sport or do anything that's fun because that's against God.  You're not denying yourself if you're doing that.” And that's not the case either. Obviously, God made everything both spiritual and physical.  He made us in this physical realm. And there is a way to use the things that are in this life for His glory.  But there are other things that are in this life that are just useless entertainment.  I may lose you guys in just a minute. I'm in an area that has a dead spot.  We'll pick up in a second if I do lose you. But we want to make sure that what we're doing is not just frivolous and wasting time.  But there's a lot of things that we've been given that are talents and abilities, skills. That are very joyous that we enjoy doing. Everyone's talents and abilities. Sorry guys, a little bit of bad signal through this area right here.  But if we surrender ourselves as Christians to the purpose of the kingdom of God, things in our life are truly a spirit we can use for God's kingdom. And which things are just useless entertainment.  Some things such as video games, movies especially that are just fantasy and violent.  Those are not good for a child of God because they promote perversions. And even though those things are entertainment, they're godless entertainment that lead people away from the kingdom of God.  And if entertainment is sinful, then obviously it's not something you should be doing. Now there are a whole lot of books that also are ungodly. So everyone has their kind of addiction, whether it's going out to the movies and just binge watching television or if it's just reading books.  But in your own heart, you need to figure out between you and the Lord Jesus, if what you're doing is actually fruitful.  You can ask yourself, is what I'm doing producing good fruit for the kingdom of God?  Or am I just purifying the desires of my flesh. And you need to answer that question honestly to yourself and to God.  So if you're reading something that's just a novel, you need to ask yourself, am I reading this because I am learning more about the kingdom of God?  I'm helping someone grow in the kingdom of God? Or am I just doing this to entertain myself, even though I know there's things that are evil in it and my mind is dwelling on things that are evil.  Do I just like it because it's gratifying to my flesh? So there's a line there.  And the way that you're going to know the difference is if you are feeding your spirit and not your flesh.  The more you feed your flesh, the more you're going to justify the desires of your flesh, watching ungodly movies, engaging in things of the world, telling dirty jokes, letting your mind just play out fantasies and things that are evil.  So the more that you allow your mind to think on things of the world that are ungodly, the more you're going to feast on that garbage.  But the more that you feed your spiritual person, that spirit man or that spirit woman, the more you're going to grow in the spirit of God and you're going to learn how you can use the things that you naturally enjoy doing for the kingdom of God.  Now, I'm not someone that's going around saying that all hobbies are bad. There are hobbies that are bad.  People waste a lot of time and their resources on stuff of this world that will not count or matter.  But also, I have seen the Lord truly bless me with being able to, say, for example, coach track and field and be a light to high school students and junior high students.  I love being outdoors. I love being out on a lake. Or…  And these things all can be used for the glory of God. And if we put our into that, we can use that ability for the kingdom of God and glorify God.  Or we can use it to glorify ourselves. One example, Katie Perry and could have been using their ability to serve God and in modesty, building up the kingdom of God.  But they sold their soul... I apologize again, guys, for the bad signal.  I just. Remake this video if I watch it and it's too patchy that we can't understand what I'm saying here.  But. The is we need to use our abilities, our skills and talents for God.  As many people in Hollywood have done movie actors, musical artists.  A lot of these people have willfully given their talent over to Satan to make them popular.  And they have been successful in giving themselves over to Satan. And Satan has made them very popular, such as Katie Perry, who originally was raised in a family that, you know, at least knew something about God.  And she openly states that she has given her life over to Satan for popular.  Are we promoting the kingdom of God or are we promoting our own lives and our own talents so that we become the one who is worshipped?  A lot of people are trying to take worship away from God. They think that, you know, that they should be worshipped.  And they love the feeling of being worshipped. So they steal away from God what is his, and they entertain other people, they entertain themselves. Get there and worshipping true living God, that deserves our worship because he created all things.  He is the identity of love and he wants to save us. We can't save ourselves.  The devil can't save us. In the end, if you draw attention just to yourself, it's about self-entertainment, self-worship.  In the end, you will end in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.  Because that is where everyone who rejects God will end. So we need to ask ourselves the honest question, are we using our resources, our talents and our abilities to glorify God? Is everything we're doing to promote the kingdom of God?  Or are we using it for our own selfish ambition? So pray about it. Seek Jesus with all your heart.  And he will teach you the difference between what sports, what hobbies, what music, which books are really edifying and glorifying to him and his kingdom and which are totally useless and fruitless to the kingdom of God. Anyways guys, I hope this encourages someone to get their life in order with God.  Not to feel condemnation but to bear good fruit for the kingdom of God. And use everything that you have to win souls into the kingdom to be fishers of men, and to live for the glory of God as a Christian. This is going to be the end of my message here.  As I'm going to quickly be running out of cell signals. So keep praying.  Keep seeking the Lord with all your heart. Those who knock the door will be open. Those who seek will find.  And if you seek the Lord with all of your heart, he's going to come to you. He will make his abode in you.  He will teach you and he will lead you. “So Lord Jesus I pray for those. My brothers and sisters who want to enter into your kingdom.  I pray that they won't allow Satan just to condemn them and get them down. But that they will use their resources, their abilities, their talents. And what you have given them for the glory of God. And that they will be blessed in the kingdom of God.  That they won't give any of them themselves. Any of their…
