加入教会很容易,进入天堂却很难!Attending Church is EASY but Entering Heaven ISN'T! - Andrew Tiner


加入教会很容易,进入天堂却很难! - Andrew Tiner

成为基督徒和加入教会很容易。你所要做的就是向一个组织缴纳十一奉献,成为该组织的一员。你在周日去教堂,做一个得救的祷告,偶尔参加圣经学习和祷告会。但进入神的国度并非如此。你不能通过缴纳十一税或与其他人一起聚会进入神的国度。神的国是一个属灵的国度。如果你想进入,就必须重生。无论你生来肤色是白还是黑,是富人还是穷人, 你必须重生才能进入天国。进入天国的方法就是真心悔改,全心寻求主耶稣基督。当你求他洗净你的罪时,他让你做什么,你就顺从去做什么。你要凭着信心前行。没有信心和顺服,就不可能取悦神,也不可能有份于神的国。你是属于教会国度、人类国度?还是属于属灵的神国神国?你到达神国的唯一途径就是从水和灵而生。你真的重生了吗?愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Attending Church is EASY but Entering Heaven ISN'T!

To become a Christian and to join a church is easy. All you have to do is pay tithes to an organization and become part of that group. You go to church on Sunday, you say the prayer of salvation, and you occasionally go to Bible meetings and prayer meetings. But entering the kingdom of God is not so. You can't enter the kingdom of God by paying tithes or meeting together with other people. The kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom. And if you want to enter, you have to be born again. It doesn't matter if you were born black or white, rich or poor. You have to be born again to enter into the kingdom of heaven. The way you enter into the kingdom of God is by true repentance, by seeking the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart. And when you ask him to wash you clean of your sins, then you obey whatever he tells you to do. And you walk forward by faith. Without faith and obedience, it is impossible to please God or to be part of his kingdom. Are you part of the kingdom of church, the kingdoms of men? Or are you part of the spiritual kingdom of God? That the only way you can get there is by being born of water and of spirit. Are you truly born again? May the grace of Jesus be with you.
