Transcript: You don't Know the Word of God if You Don't Know JESUS


You don't Know the Word of God if You Don't Know JESUS

Well, praise Jesus today everyone. No Christian knows the Word of God unless they truly have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Now I know evangelicals, one of the things that they pride themselves is knowing the Bible, backing their beliefs on the Bible. They love talking about being biblical, they love Bible study, and they always call the Bible the more sure revelation, the more sure Word of God. They call it the infallible Word of God. Now where they are deceived is in making the Bible their idol. They wouldn't say that the Bible is God, although some of them do. But they really think that the Bible itself is the infallible Word of God, that every single verse in the Bible came directly from God, that none of it could possibly be altered by men or messed up in any way. And they're convinced that the more sure Word of God is the Bible, not Jesus Christ. They don't put an emphasis on Jesus, but they put an emphasis on the Bible itself.

Why is that? In reality, the reason why they do that is because they fear you or anyone else really getting to have a revelation from Jesus, because it might conflict with their view of the scripture. In other words, if you hear from Jesus that you really have to repent of your sin, and their view from the Bible is that you can continually sin because God just forgives you, because of course they believe in hyper-grace, then that would conflict with their belief system and it would throw them off. So instead of believing that Jesus Himself is the final authority, the infallible one, they set up the Bible as the final authority.

I had this dream last night, and in my dream I saw a pastor of a huge church, and this church on the outside looked pretty good. But the closer that you got to the church, you realized the church was missing large portions of the roof. When I went on the inside of the church, it was not insulated, it was missing insulation, so the cold from outside was getting in. It was not completed on the underside of the roof. Rain and stuff could get through. They had not founded themselves on the truth of God, nor were they covered with the protection of the Holy Spirit, because they built all their principles on lies.

And many Christians are the sorts of Christians that have built all their ideas and all their principles of the Bible, but they have not come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Now I know what scriptures Christians pull out, especially these fundamental Christians that say the Bible itself is the infallible Word of God, although they don't know which version is the infallible Word of God. But they really like to talk about that Hebrews chapter 4 that talks about the word, but we'll get to that in just a minute. I want to read to you Revelation chapter 19 that speaks about the Word of God and Jesus' name. And so let's listen to this, and then let's read that Hebrews verse. I'm going to start in Revelation chapter 19 verse 11. 11Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. (Obviously we're talking about Jesus, the righteous judge here.) 12His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. 13He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. 14And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. 15Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:



Guys, this is no other than Jesus Christ. It can't possibly be our Bibles. It can't possibly be just Michael or an archangel. This is Jesus Christ Himself, and His name is the Word of God. He is the infallible one. Now let's compare this symbolism and who Jesus Christ is to who the Christians say is the Bible. I'm speaking fundamental evangelical Christians from Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12. Now remember that Jesus Christ from this verse in Revelation, His name is called the Word of God. Out of His mouth goes a sharp sword in which He will strike the nations. So remember that symbolism when we read Hebrews chapter 4, I'm starting in verse 11. 11Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. 12For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

Now take in the symbolism that we just read in Revelation about Jesus Christ being the Word of God, about Jesus being the sword. Who do you think Hebrews is speaking of when it speaks about he, nothing is hidden in His sight, all must give an account to Him and speaking about this Word of God and this two edge sword, does all the symbolism point to our Bibles being the infallible Word of God, or does it point to Jesus Christ being the infallible Word of God?

Now it is very sad that the majority of evangelical Christians, which only make up now like 3% of the United States I think, so a very small percentage, I think only like 50 or 60% of people now in the US even consider themselves Christians at all. But out of this minority of people that claim to be evangelical, which means they believe in evangelism, they believe in the Bible, they believe in Jesus that He died on the cross, He resurrected, He atoned for our sins, they are supposed to believe all that. But out of that small percentage of Christians that even believe in the Bible, they have taken the Bible and made it their idol, instead of coming to Jesus Christ and recognizing Him as the Word of God and the double-edged sword and the one who nothing is hidden in His sight and the one who we all must give an account to, they've literally taken Jesus, they've thrown Him out for what they call is their infallible Word of God, their more sure Word of God. Do you see what they have done? They have despised the truth of Jesus, they have despised that He is alive, we just read in Hebrews chapter 4 that the Word of God is alive, it is living and powerful, and they apply this to their scriptures. This is a damnable thing to do. They have set up a huge idol, they bow down and worship the Bible and they revere the scriptures and they revere the prophets as if they would not have partaken in the murder of innocent blood when they lived during the time of the prophets. They act as though they wouldn't have murdered Jesus Christ, they act as though they wouldn't have been on the side of the Pharisees. Do you see what they are doing? We need to be careful not to take part in the leaven of their hypocrisy.

Are we elevating the Bible as God, as the evangelical world, as the fundamentalist Christians across America, or have we really come into a relationship with the living Word of God, the one who is infallible, meaning perfect, without spot or without blemish? Do we really put our faith and our trust in Jesus Christ or do we put it in our Bibles?

Guys, the Bible is testifying about Jesus Christ. All these men that recorded the Bible, they were men just like you and me, but they testified about Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Son of Man and He is the Son of God and all power in heaven and on earth has been given to Him. He is the infallible one and He is perfect. He has the power to open heaven for you or shut you out. He has the power to send you to hell. The Bible doesn't have that power. The Bible is to bring you, to open your eyes to the truth. If you read the Bible asking Jesus to help you, He will help you see the truth. But if you become like these Christians that call the Bible the infallible Word of God or more sure salvation, then you're rejecting what Jesus Christ will do in your life, which is open your eyes to the truth.

Now in this dream that I had last night, I saw this church start to catch fire. And the Christian churches of today, they're going to go through the fire. And nothing will be left of most of these Christian organizations because they built with wood, hay and stubble. They were not founded on the cornerstone. They weren't built on the rock of Jesus Christ. They built with wood, hay and stubble. So when they go through the refining fire, all of them is going to be burnt up. If you make all your principles, thinking all these principles are true that you got out of the Bible, but you never learned to hear Jesus's voice, you don't have a prayer life, you have never put Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your own life, then what do you think is going to happen when you try to enter into everlasting life? What's going to happen when you die and God says to you, why should I let you in? What's your response going to be? Is it going to be, well, I knew the Bible. I memorized John 3.16, God. I knew the plan of salvation because I learned the Hebrew roots of words. I knew the Hebrew's road. I knew what Jesus spoke. I memorized that scripture in Sunday school. Do you think that God is going to allow you into His holy and perfect kingdom because you knew things about the Bible like how Catholics do and these evangelical Protestants? Of course not. His requirement is holiness and that is the one requirement God has, holiness. And unless you put your faith in Jesus Christ, unless you really repent and let Him wash clean your sins, you're not going to enter His kingdom.

Too many Christians are playing the hypocrite. They think that they're better than others. They think they're entitled to get into heaven because they know the Bible. And that's why they love going around calling the scripture the infallible Word of God. They love the Bible, but they hate Jesus Christ. Don't be a part of their hypocrisy. Be separate. Keep yourself unstained from their pollution. Get to know Jesus, love Him, adore Him, worship Him. Seek revelation from Him and He will lead you and He will guide you in the truth. But have no part with the hypocrite Christian. May the grace of Jesus be with you.
