Transcript: Not Everyone's into Your Interests But ALL Need CHRIST


Not Everyone's into Your Interests But ALL Need CHRIST

Well, praise Jesus today, everyone. I have this message on my heart when I woke up this morning, something that the Holy Spirit was showing me, and that is that, you know, all of us have different interests, but most people don't care about your interests. There's a certain community that cares about each sort of interest, whether it's art, or whatever you're into, your hobbies, your sport. But no one needs to know what your interest is, your hobby, your sport. But the whole world, regardless if they love Jesus Christ or not, whether they think they need a Savior or not, they are going to die and have to stand before God, and the whole world, if they want to be saved, needs the truth of Jesus Christ. Everyone needs the Savior, the Messiah.

Now obviously a lot of people reject God. They're atheists or they're Christians, they think they're already good enough to make it into heaven, they think they don't need what they just call religion, they don't need you hitting them over the head with the Bible, they don't need a preacher. But in the end, everyone is going to die. It doesn't matter if you're as rich as Elon Musk, or as poor as the homeless man begging on the street. The rich and the poor die alike. Everyone will have to stand before God, no matter what you believe. People all around the world are having visions of Jesus Christ, no matter what religion they are. So what we need to be doing is promoting what really matters on the internet, on social media, on our t-shirts, on our cars, on our lips.

We need to be salt and light for what actually matters to the Lord. You know, most people, if you go on their Facebook, or if you check them out on social media, you'll only find out about their little hobby, their interest. Maybe they're into cars, maybe they are into football, maybe they're into the basketball team, and at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what we're into. All of those things will perish. But what's going to last forever and ever is going to be Jesus and His words. Jesus is the King, He is the King of Kings, and what He has to say is forever and ever.

People get really consumed with physical things. That's why the disciples even said, "Lord, look at the majesty or the beauty of this temple. What wonderful stones and rocks." And Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, not one of these will be standing upon another. Everyone will be knocked down." And it's going to be the same with whatever our hobby is, or sport, or whatever person we admire. Even our own family is going to perish. You know, there are some people that say, you know, I don't live for a sport or a hobby or money, I live for my grandchildren, I live for my family. But likewise, just as money will perish, people will also perish. If you have made your family your idol, or your son or your daughter, or your parents, or whoever the person is that you're making an idol in your life, they're also going to die. Flesh and blood dies the same as anything else dies in this world.

The only thing that's going to matter is Jesus Christ and His words and what we did with His words. So we better be promoting the everlasting gospel, fishing for men. We better be living on the words of life that really matter. Whoever stands for Jesus and His gospel, Jesus Christ will stand for them and He will give them eternal life. But whoever is ashamed of Jesus and His words, He will also be ashamed of us. There are a lot of people who love artwork. There's a lot of people who love nature, they love being outdoors. They love just spending time with their grandchildren, they love just watching sports on their TV, maybe they're just into golf. But what does it matter, your score at, whatever your sport was? What does it matter how great of an artist you are, whether that was drawing, whether that was painting, whether that was being a musical musician? What does it matter if in the end we're all going to die and not make it into the kingdom of God? Why are we promoting all of these things, trying to get popular, trying to get liked, trying to promote ourselves as God, if in the end it's not going to matter?

Satan knows that if he can't get you to just live for money, he can certainly get you to live for yourself. Most people think they don't worship the devil, but in so worshipping themselves, they are worshipping the devil. The devil just has to get you to worship yourself and to want to promote yourself to the world. A lot of people, they just want to be respected and revered by others. They want to be a famous musician, a famous artist of some sort. They want to be the best at their hobby, the best at whatever their sport is, and they want recognition from the world. We want to be admired, we want to be looked up to. But all of that is not going to matter in the end if we are rotting in hell.

Without Jesus Christ, we will be disconnected, we will be cut off. Every branch, Jesus said, that does not bear good fruit is cut off and thrown into the fire. If we are bearing good fruit, we will be pruned so that we can be more useful to the kingdom of God. But if we are like salt that has lost its flavor, then we are good for absolutely nothing but to be thrown out. So the question here is, are we living for what counts? Are we living for the everlasting gospel? Are we promoting Jesus Christ? Are we living for what is going to be important still in 100 or 1000 years? Or are we living for things that are temporary? Are we trying to glorify ourselves and make ourselves God?

Too many people, especially Americans, are trying to promote themselves as God. They're the very best at their sport, their hobby, whatever their art is. They're promoting their business. Remember that in the days of Noah, people were being given in marriage, they were marrying, they were buying and selling, trading, and they were doing all these things that to the world seemed good and normal, but in one day the flood came and destroyed them all. They were taken to hell. The whole world at that time was taken to hell. They did not have salvation. The only ones that had salvation were Noah, his wife, and his three children and their wives, those eight that entered the ark. And when God shut the door and the rains came down from heaven, the door was shut. No one else could enter. And the same thing is happening now. People that know the Lord are entering the ark and everyone else is going to be standing on the outside knocking, saying, "Lord, open to us" and He will say, "Away from me, I don't know you." The door is shut. Those who have entered have entered. Those who are on the outside will be shut out.

Will you be shut out for eternity because you never spent time on what really matters? I warn you that the time is coming to an end. Life goes by quicker than you think. Are you focused on what matters, what will matter ten, twenty, thirty, five hundred years from now, or are you only focused on glorifying yourself and getting the small amount of fame that you can? May the grace of Jesus be with you.
