Transcript: You Should Fear GOD


You Should Fear GOD

Well, praise Jesus today everyone.  It's a blessing to be in the hands of our Father in Heaven as His children if we are with Jesus Christ.  We know from the Bible that in the end times men's hearts will be fearful, fearful of wars, fearful of death, fearful of being betrayed.  People will be so scared because they will see the powers the powers of the heavens shaken.  The one thing though that scares me more than anything is that God can throw me into hell if I do not do what is pleasing to Him.  I fear God, I'm more scared of God than of anything, more, more of being drafted.  We know right now there was a rumor going around that the US may reinstate a draft.  I think that was shown to not be true, although it is possible that if things escalate into World War III that people may have to be drafted.  There was some guy talking who said, “I'm 62 years old and just waiting to be drafted.”  It could happen in any country. These things make men fearful.  They fear a draft, they fear being killed at war, they fear losing their job, they fear all of these things.  But what we should fear more than anything is a holy God that after we physically die can throw our soul into hell for eternity.  That fear should be so powerful to you that it should keep you well away from sin, well away from pornography, well away from drugs, well away from drunkenness, well away from lust.  It should guide you towards God's grace and away from His wrath.  

But this world has no fear of God, they should fear God, they should be terrified of God, but because they don't believe in God, they believe in Satan and that the devil can give them power and joy and happiness and peace.  Because they have accepted the things of Satan and rejected the things of God, they fear the devil. People will bow their heads down before Satan because they know men and the devil, in their opinion, are worthy to be bowed to because the devil and men can give you money, worldly happiness and riches.  But who do we fear?  Do we fear God, or do we fear what men can do to us? What drives you?  What keeps you awake at night? Is the fear of being drafted keeping you awake at night?  The fear of maybe having to go to war and to die? Or does it keep you up at night that God in heaven has the power to throw your soul into hell for eternity if you do what is evil in His sight?  That is what you should fear.

People like to talk about the respect, the respectful sort of fear.  I'm just talking about being terrified of God because of our wickedness.  People aren't scared to sin. People aren't scared to commit adultery, fornication.  They're not scared to cheat others. They're not scared to do evil to other people.  They have completely disrespect for God and they have no fear of God.  They think that He is the big granddad in the sky, and they think Jesus is some kind of hippie.  They have no idea what is coming on this world.  

For those who are evil, God has relentless horror, more horror than can possibly happen in this world.  The amount of wrath that will be dished out by God's hand on the wicked is inconceivable.  It's impossible to even think. I don't know how people don't fear God.  I don't know how they can live the way that they do, fearing the things of this world.  With everything that has been shown, with the amount of revelation God has allowed to enter into this world, I don't know how people still have no fear of God.  They don't think that God will punish them. They don't think God will smite them for their sin.  They think sin has no consequence.

So the question today is, are you fearful of people, of the world? Are you fearful of the beast system?  Do you fear men, or do you fear a holy God? Think about it.  Who do you really fear with your actions? What keeps you up at night? The fear of men or the fear of God?  May the grace of Jesus be with you.
