Transcript: Why Abortion is Murder

 Why Abortion is Murder

Well praise Jesus everyone. I wanted to just speak briefly about the topic of abortion and why as Christians we believe abortion is not choice, but it is murder. Now you could say that you can't change anyone, you can't make anyone do anything, and yes, we can't make anyone do anything. You can't make people not take illegal drugs, but you can make the drugs illegal that are lethal to people. You can't make anyone not murder someone. However, you can uphold the law to where if you do murder someone there are immediate consequences to that.

The main reason abortion is murder and the reason why we believe that is because we believe that human life starts at the very conception of life. So a baby being born, that is not the very beginning of life starting, but the very beginning is the conception.  So that means that that child, as soon as sperm is in an egg, is a human being. Now if you believe in how God designed people to grow, you know that we are dependent. There's a lot of people that say, “Well a baby is not truly a baby until it's born, because that baby is now independent of its mom”. But that's not even true. That is also a lie, because anyone who is a parent, anyone who's been a mother, knows that children are not independent by any means. They're not any more independent being one day old or five days old than they were five days before they were born. A baby is totally helpless. You have to help that child to grow, to understand things about life, and they're totally helpless until they are about maybe 16 to 18 years old. So if you say that it's okay to abort a baby because they are still inside the mother because they're not detached from their mother, at what age is a human being totally independent? Is that five days old? Is that ten days old? Is that ten years? Because a lot of us are not fully independent from our parents until we're 18 years old, like in this country. So that would mean if abortion should be legal, or partial birth abortion, or whole birth abortion, that it should be legal for someone to murder you up until about 18 years of age. And as you know, obviously that is ridiculous. We wouldn't go around killing or say that we're going to abort our 17-year-old daughter. That would obviously be murder.

So if you believe that a human is a human being at the age of conception, not the age of birth, because of course there's a baby in the womb, then you believe that killing that child, whether they are two days after conception or two days after birth, is still killing a human being, which is murder. So you are murdering a child either at two days pre-birth or two days after birth. Either way, you're still a murderer, and murderers should be punished. It is not that it is your choice. Obviously all of us have choices, but it is not your decision, or lawfully your decision, to take someone else's life. What if I just thought that you are an ugly person, should I feel entitled to kill you? Obviously, if we have thoughts of others that are negative, that does not entitle us to kill other people.  And certainly, the law should be for the just, not for the unjust.

People throughout all generations have murdered their babies for one reason or another. The Incas, the Mayas, the Aztecs, people of old, they murdered their babies thinking that it would help the sun go around, they would shed babies' blood, they would do human sacrifices. Well today we also sacrifice babies. The American culture, these cultures are no different than we live in. We haven't reached a point where we're not murdering children. But the main reason people murder children today is because they want what they think is freedom. So if you can go around and have sex with whoever you want, and there's no consequence, you don't get AIDS because you're using a condom, you don't have to have children or give birth because you just abort your baby, basically what you're sacrificing your baby for is not to make the sun go around, but to give you what you think is independence. It gives you freedom from what God has called you to do, which was to be a parent.

Now there are no mistakes in God's kingdom, there are no accidental babies. Parents like to say, well you were an accident, you were an accidental child. There are no accidental babies, but there are accidental parents. And many of us have heard that before. Parents make accidents, people do things that they shouldn't. And when I say accident, I don't mean that they didn't know what they were doing, but they sinned. They did something that was evil.  But just because people do something that's evil does not mean that the baby was an accident, or the baby was evil. Obviously that is a human life you're dealing with. And if you choose to murder a human being, whether it is two days old, or right at birth, or a couple days before they're born, that is still murder.

So the reason why abortion is murder is because you're killing a human being. And we as Christians believe that life doesn't start when a baby is born, but it starts at the conception when the sperm meets the egg. Now there are some people that say that just an egg itself is a baby, or just the sperm itself is a baby.  I've heard people try to say this argument, and that just sperm, like ejaculating, is killing babies. Obviously it's not, because how God designed this, scientifically, you could look it up if you don't know how all this works. A child is formed when a sperm meets an egg. So it is not killing a baby for sperm to be what they call spilled in the Bible. Wearing a condom is not killing a baby. But if a sperm is in an egg and that's developing into a human being, and then you go and you kill that human being, no matter how early on in the stage it is, that is murder. And that is why you have to be very careful about some of those pills. I think there's something that's like the day after pills, there's these certain kind of pills that technically after the sperm has met the egg, then you are basically making that egg not fertile.

I don't know all the technical terms for it guys, I'm not a doctor. But all I know is that God sees human life starting at the very start of this thing. And it's not at birth. You can go and see how a sperm is formed, you can go and see how children develop in the womb and it's amazing. I have four children of my own and I've watched them grow. I've seen the pictures when they're still in the womb and they seriously are a full-fledged human being. Look at the pictures of how life starts so early on. Life does not start at birth, it starts much before. And to be aborting children with a pill or with stabbing them with a knife in the womb, all of this is murder.  But wearing a condom is not murder. So that is just something to consider guys.

There are people that get legalistic and they preach against birth control. You can choose to be abstinent. You can also choose to be with your wife or not with your wife after you're pregnant. Obviously if it were a crime for sperm not to meet an egg every time, I'm saying to God, then God would not have designed it that you could be intimate with your husband or wife when you are pregnant. Because obviously sperm is not going to take into an egg when you're already pregnant. So all that sperm is essentially lost you could say. It's not penetrating an egg because the egg has already been penetrated and the egg is now developing with that sperm into a human. But God designed it to when a woman is pregnant, you can continue to have sexual intercourse safely. And it is a good thing for you to be having sexual intercourse when you are married even when you are pregnant. It's a healthy thing. And if this were sin for this seed of the man not to be meeting an egg every time, God would not have designed a male and a female and their sexuality to be in such a design. But He did.

So think about this guys. Life starts at the very conception. So we have to respect what life is in God's eyes. When a sperm meets an egg that is the very beginning of life.  And we need to be very respectful to Jesus Christ, to His creation, to God our Father.  We need to respect and be respectful of the things that the Holy Spirit is teaching us. If you are disrespectful to God and His creation, then you're demonstrating hate towards God and hate and murder towards people, towards your brothers and sisters, whether they're born or unborn. As we know from Revelation, I believe chapter 21, all people who are liars or believing a lie or teaching lies or murderers, even murderers at heart, will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. So if you are a mother or a father, don't abort your baby. Don't teach others that abortion is just a choice. Of course people will make their own decisions. People will abort. They will murder people. But we can uphold justice.  We can uphold the law. And the law of God is to love your brothers and your sisters, whether they are born or unborn. Do we have the love of Jesus in us? Do we value life?  Or are we like the people who hate children? They hate babies and they hate God.  Are you for Jesus Christ? Are you for babies? Are you for the creation of the Lord?  Or are you against it all for your own selfish desires? May the grace of Jesus be with you.
