你从一开始就不该犯罪!You should have never sinned in the first place - PointingToJesus

Source: https://youtu.be/uzS9MyoSGFU

2020年9月7日 You should have never sinned in the first place (English Below)









You should have never sinned in the first place.  

The other day I was cooking in the kitchen and my children were playing in the other room while I was cooking. I heard one of them start crying and screaming. And as soon as I heard the crying, I heard my other daughter start apologizing. Well, of course I went in to find out what happened. And I learned that my daughter hit my other daughter because she did something that she did not like. And so she apologized because she knew that she needed to say sorry, but she was also afraid that she'd be in trouble. Well, she got in trouble anyways because the problem is that she shouldn't have hit at all in the first place. And just because she said sorry does not cover over the fact that she did something that was wrong.

Well, Jesus was reminding me that so, so many people do this to Him. They know in their heart what is good and evil, yet they choose to do what is evil, what is sinful all the way until their deathbed. They think that they will have a deathbed and be able to repent then. And then they think that God will spare them the judgment after they've lived their life completely for themselves.

My friends, what we do in this life echoes into eternity. And we will be held accountable for everything that we do in this life. Many people, when they stand before Jesus, will say to Him, “oh, I'm so sorry now, Jesus, I repent now, please let me into your Kingdom”. Or they'll say, “I'm sorry, Jesus, I repent right now. Give me another chance to repent”. But Jesus will just say to them, “You had your chance, you had chance after chance. Every day you had breath in your lungs, you had a chance to repent and you did not. You continued to do what was wrong, what was sinful. And now it is too late. You should have never sinned in the first place”.

Friend, if you're listening to this and you know that you are in sin, you know that you are rebelling against God, today is the day of repentance. Today is the Day of Reconciliation with Jesus! Leave the old life of sin behind! Truly repent of your sin, which means you leave that life of sin! You leave whatever it is that is keeping you from being pure and holy before God and you let Jesus give you a new life! become a new creation in Jesus! Because only He is the one that offers life! Only He is the one that is the truth, and He is the way to salvation! 

You need Jesus to change you from your heart! And when your heart is changed, everything else you do will follow. Don't be like the ones who think that they can live up their life however they want on this earth, and then think that they can just say sorry to God before they die and think that He will spare them the judgment. That is such a lie! Do not be fooled! Do not be deceived! Today, if you hear the truth, do not harden your heart, but seek Jesus, turn to Him today before it's too late! May Jesus bless you.    
