那条窄路: 来自黎巴嫩的最新消息 Update from Lebanon - Eternal Call (Georges Assaf)

Source: https://youtu.be/c0DInwuTnQs 

来自黎巴嫩的最新消息 Update from Lebanon - Eternal Call (Georges Assaf)




 之后发生了什么?买了房子之后,我们开始装修,一些意想不到的事情在我身上发生了,我的身体开始出现了很多病症。两个月来,我每天都感到全身疼痛。我不知道疼痛从何而来。我去看医生,医生也不知道是怎么回事。我头痛,身体里出现了肿瘤。我耳朵痛,喉咙痛。我半夜醒来,会出汗,疼痛,关节痛,头痛,偏头痛。这些疼痛非常强烈。这不是你能承受的。连续两个月都是这样。一直没停过。 今天依然没有停止。 今天我仍然感到疼痛。

我问上帝为什么 为什么?发生了什么事?魔鬼开始戏弄你的想法,他告诉你耶稣已经离开了你。但他是个骗子。亲爱的朋友们,耶稣把我和我的妻子带到这里来,首先是要给我们上一课,让我们知道他完全掌控着我们的生活,然后我们必须做好准备,向自己死去,谦卑自己,不要再将希望放在我们自己的事情上。





Transcript: Update from Lebanon Brother and sister, I know it has been a while I haven't left a video, and I used to make a lot of videos, but I have to say what has been going on with me. Ever since I moved to Lebanon, and I left Canada, it's been very weird and different. I remember when I came here at the direction of God, in my mind, I needed to do a lot of things for it; I had a lot of work; and I had a lot of ambitions also; I prepared everything and I was running to do all these things, but little did I know that God had other plans. When I got here, the first thing that my wife saw was a sign and on it was written Golgotha, the place of the skull. After that we were busy. We're trying to make everything happen. We didn't have anything. We sold our house in Canada, and we came here, and we didn't know where to start. It’s a whole new life. But we truly believe that Jesus wanted us to be here. So we left and we came. It was very hard at the beginning because you don't know what to do. We Started by renting a car. We were surprised to see how expensive renting a car is. Then we decided to buy a car. After we bought a car, we started looking for a place and we rented a new place. Then we thought about buying a house. All of it because we believe that God wanted us to find a house. I had a dream in Canada where I was looking for houses. And then what happened? After we bought the house, we started to renovate and some unexpected things are to happen with me, I start to have a lot of medical problems. And every day it's been two months I have pain all over my body. I don't understand where it's coming from. I go to the doctor. The doctors don't know what's happening. I Have headaches, I have lumps that are coming in my body. I have an earache, sore throat. I wake up in the middle of the night with sweats and pain, joint pain, headaches, migraines. And these pains are very strong. It's not something that you can handle. And it's been like that for two months straight. It didn't stop. It's not stopping. Today I still feel pain. And I asked God why. Why? What happened? The devil starts to play with your mind to tell you that Jesus has left you. But he is a liar. Dear friends, Jesus brought me here and my wife, to teach us a lesson first, to show us that He has complete control over our lives and then, that we have to be ready to die to ourselves, to humble ourselves, not to expect our own things. Dear friends, I have learned a lot through this year. And this God That we have is really a consuming fire and He is not to be played with. We cannot play games with Him. He has a heavy hand on His children. And because He loves His children, He teaches them and disciplines them, and He makes them understand that it is not about them; it's not about our efforts; it's not about our accomplishments; even the ones that we think we are doing for Him, we are purely servants. And there is something much bigger at stake. It's about the kingdom of God. Dear friends, this world will pass away with everything in it. Our lives are temporary, and we will all pass away. But if we don't know Jesus and if we don't know His voice, we are not walking with Him, and dear friends, we will not make it. The more I walk with this God, the more I understand that the God of the bible is a serious God. Yes, He loves us, but because He loves us, He disciplines us, and His discipline is harsh. And it will be harsh more and more with the people that He loves the most. If He loves you, dear friends, your life will not be easy because He will teach you how to depend completely on Him and that your life, your mind should be focused on His kingdom. You have to live above this world, above the circumstances of this world, even your health. You need to trust God completely and put yourself on the sacrifice, as a sacrifice on His altar and tell Him it's up to Him. Nobody can help us, dear friends, we come to this world alone, and we will leave this world alone. And we will stand before Jesus one day, and He will decide who will make it. Dear friends, I ask for prayer today. Mention me in your prayers. And Please do not forget about Jesus. Do not forget, do not put Him on the back shelf because of your own plans and ambitions. And if things are not going according to your plan, thank God and praise Him always. Because sooner or later it will be Him that will matter, and we will stand before Him, and eternity will begin. Let's finish the race with our eyes on the kingdom of Jesus Christ because He will decide who will enter into His kingdom. Everything Belongs to Him. And may God bless you.

