我的见证:义人的祷告是大有功效的!The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective!



当我在这个奇迹中见证耶稣的大能时,很多人说,因为这个男孩的烫伤并不严重。这是魔鬼的话。他们总有 "合理 "的解释来抹杀上帝的荣耀!这个男孩不仅被烫得很严重,而且他的妈妈在给他换衣服时,还把他的衣服从头上脱下来,把他脸上烫伤的皮肤全部扯下来!所以她知道事情有多严重!当我向她传达上帝的话语时,她立刻知道上帝拯救了她的儿子!这是神的超自然力量的显现!这是神的大能之手!


后续:上帝拿走了Qin的脑梗,在我发出这封代祷信之后的第二天下午他就出院了。安然无恙。这是完全上帝施行的神迹。代祷的姐妹Anzhelika说“Анжелика Бомбушкар My Beloved Sister, I have read your latest post about Qin on your page and I want to write to you about what happened yesterday. It is amazing! 🙂 Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар Yesterday I prayed A LOT for Qin, I went to bed very late because I prayed a lot, and almost 99% it was intercession for Qin. Even at night, when I woke up, I immediately thought of Qin and prayed again. When I went to bed I had absolute peace about Qin and knew that Jesus was in control (Jesus confirmed this to me in my heart). I fell asleep almost instantly in the absolute world regarding Qin. And it's an amazing feeling! And this is from the Lord! Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар 🙂 Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар I also want to say that sometimes in prayer or intercession for someone, the Lord Himself gives me arguments WHY we need His positive answer (I hope you understand me :)). Jesus Himself gives me these arguments because I don't think about it at all! 🙂 And yesterday there were many of them in the prayer for Qin! Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар 1. I spoke about the fact that we will NOT be ashamed, and the answer will be from You, because we cry to You; THE ONE WHO CALLS TO YOU before the eyes of other people WILL NOT BE SHAMED! I was talking about the fact that the boy's mother came to you KNOWING what the ONE ALMIGHTY GOD, JESUS, can do. And she asked for prayer EXACTLY TO HIM! 🙂 Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар 2. I also talked about the fact that you sent Sister Prisca from China to New Zealand NOT ONLY because of vaccination, because you love all people and want the salvation of all people. SISTER PRISCA IS NOT ACCIDENTAL WHERE YOU BRINGED HER! Therefore, please be glorified through her where she lives! Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар 3. I also told Jesus that what happened to the boy is NOT ACCIDENTAL, it is Your plan to save these people, this family. You have already become famous with a baby in this family, and I ask You to be glorified further in this family. Let this family continue to see HOW You love, HOW ALLPOWERFUL YOU ARE, HOW You hear Your children and answer their prayers! Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар 4. I also talked about the fact that the Name of Jesus should be glorified. And we, too, seek only His Glory, the Glory of His victorious Name. Nothing else. Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар 5. I also talked about the fact that Jesus Himself is looking for an intercessor who will intercede for Qin! And there are those intercessors, it's us who pray for Qin! That is why we are waiting for an answer from You, Lord! AND EVERYTHING FOR YOUR GLORY! Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар There were many arguments. I don't remember everyone anymore, but the prayer just flowed for Qin. It was so wonderful! GLORY TO JESUS AND THANKS TO HIM FOR LOVE TO EVERY PERSON! HOW HE IS FAITHFUL! 12:09 AM Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар P.S. Yes! The Holy Spirit just reminded me of a very important moment! Yesterday I was and worked at the country house where we have a vegetable garden from the Lord. It suddenly started to rain and was forecast to rain all day yesterday and all day today. So I decided to go home, to the apartment, because in the rain I can not work in the vegetable garden. And then I found out about the prayer needed for Qin! AT HOME I HAD A LOT OF TIME TO PRAY FOR HIM! This is how Jesus took care of him! How good it is when we give our whole life to Jesus, and He Himself plans it, where we should be, what we should do, etc. THANK YOU, JESUS! 🙂 Анжелика Анжелика Бомбушкар Much Love to you, my Dearest Sister! You are in my heart and in my prayers! May Jesus Bless you much!”

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective!
I have wanted to write this testimony for a long time until last night when God again put it on my heart in prayer.
A few months ago my landlord's one year and a few months old son grabbed and overturned boiling hot porridge on the kitchen cupboard and poured it all over his head. The next day I learnt that the child had been hospitalised with scald injuries. So I asked Sister a Anzhelika to pray for him. It just so happened that she was doing a seven-day fast, and that day was her last, and I had already decided to pray for the boy for a day of fasting. Later Sister Anzhelika Анжелика Бомбушкар told me that she had also informed Brother Alin Claudiu Mihalache and other brothers and sisters to pray with her.
It was during that day of prayer that God told Sister Anzhelika that He was already with the boy. God had revealed His great and unparalleled glory! The boy was badly scalded, but God's mighty hand was upon him, and he came home after four days in the hospital. When I saw him on about the seventh day after he was scalded, his face was covered with new pink skin, and the scalded skin was almost all scabbed over, with almost no traces of scald left. As I gave glory and praise to God, He reminded me that The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective! I understood that He was talking about the power of the prayers of Sister Anzhelika and Brother Alin and other sister and brothers in the Lord.
After another month, the child's face was almost completely restored, and God gave me the opportunity to testify of His power to his mother and grandmother. Immediately the child's mother said "Praise God"! Even though she was once a Buddhist, God turned her heart around!
Just this morning as I was about to eat breakfast and write this testimony, Cassie, the boy's mum, knocked on the door urgently and again asked me to intercede. She cried and said that her dad, Qin, was hospitalised because of a brain stroke! Knowing that God is powerful, she came to ask for my help in prayer! I also ask all brothers and sisters reading this posting to intercede for her dad! May God give him another chance to turn to God! May God's will be done! Save his soul from the torment of hell!
