无论你是否祷告,诱惑都会临到你,但是...Temptation Comes Whether or Not You Pray BUT... - Andrew Tiner

原视频 https://youtu.be/tuzgliFAQu8 

Temptation Comes Whether or Not You Pray BUT... (English Below)


2023520 Andrew Tiner 








因此当你祷告时不要放弃。 持续为你自己属灵的健康祷告,为你的家人朋友祷告,为所有人真正的悔改祷告。


















Temptation Comes Whether or Not You Pray BUT... Temptation is going to come to you whether you pray or whether you don't pray. In fact, temptation may come to you even stronger if you do pray because Satan wants to tear your prayers down. It's not that Jesus is sending you a scorpion or a snake or a demon, but Satan wants to rip you to pieces. He wants to rip and tear down your prayer life. He wants to weaken you so that he can win. If you realize that you have a spiritual enemy, then you can push through and fight against the devil, have on the full armor of God and continue to push through to Jesus Christ in prayer. The way is through prayer with Jesus Christ, and you will overcome if you continue to hold fast to your faith in Jesus. So don't give up when you pray. Continue to pray for your own spiritual wellbeing. Pray for your family, your friends. Pray for true repentance of all people. But make sure that you continue to push through to Jesus Christ in prayer. Remember that our Lord said the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Satan wants to violently strip away from you your faith and everything that you have that is true in the Lord, everything that the Holy Spirit gave to you. He will even come against you harder when you pray. But if you do continue to pray, you will get a whole lot better at resisting sin. If you don't pray, not only will temptation come to you, but you will fall into that temptation, you will fall into sin. That is what Satan wants. He wants to destroy your prayer life and then destroy your soul and take you to hell. But we as soldiers go into battle and if we are well protected with the sword of the Spirit, helmet of salvation, shield of faith, belt of truth, with those boots ready to bring the gospel of peace, then we will overcome in the name of Jesus because He is with us and He is in us. But if you are not praying, you're going to lose the battle and you're going to lose the war. So don't think that just because you pray, temptation will not come your way. Temptation will come to you, trials and tribulations will still come to you if you pray. But if you do pray and you don't give up, you will be able to overcome. And Jesus promises to be with us. And when we overcome and endure to the very end, then we will be saved. Only those who overcome and endure to the end will be saved. May the grace of Jesus be with you.
