Transcript: Unrepented Sin WILL Take You to HELL! - WarningThePeople


Unrepented Sin WILL Take You to HELL!

The bodies that we live in right now are imperfect, and they will always have the sinful nature to want to do the things that our bodies naturally would want to do, which is in direct opposition to what the Holy Spirit usually tells us to do. The Holy Spirit will tell us to be holy and pure, not to lust. Our body naturally wants to lust. Our eyes naturally want to lust. But when someone comes to know Jesus, they will know exactly when they are in sin, and they will also know when Jesus calls them righteous. Jesus says He gives the Holy Spirit to those who are obedient to him. And His Holy Spirit, He says specifically three things, convicts people of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. And sin, the Holy Spirit will let us know if we still have sin in our life and He will point that out. And if we get rid of this sin, we become sinless in the eyes of Jesus and we become righteous in His sight. Have you asked Jesus, “am I sinless in your sight?” You need to ask Him this because Jesus will not forgive any unrepented sin.

 you know there's a false doctrine going around that Jesus will just look over people's sin and partially that's true. When a sinner comes to know Jesus, Jesus looks over their past sin. Why? Because this person repented and they said, “i never want to do that sin again.” And people don't understand repentance, and this is why they buy the lies of the church and all these pastors that tell them Jesus is going to look over sin. Jesus isn't going to look over anybody's unrepented sin. You cannot continue to be a Christian and also sin. You can't be under grace and be sinning.

Either you're holy and pleasing in Jesus eyes and righteous in His eyes and then He calls you sinless, or you're sinning and He calls you a sinner with idols in your life, but you can't have both. And there's this lie going around right now that you can be under grace and somehow still be sinning; and if you ever try to get rid of your sin and be obedient to Jesus, then you must be doing a salvation by works. But let me tell you this, never is Jesus going to just erase that porn off your computer, never is He just going to take the dirty videos right out of your house! We have to be responsible and obedient to get rid of sin when Jesus tells us to get rid of the sin. If He says get rid of your porn or if He says get rid of the adultery, what do we need to do? We need to throw it away, not think that is magically going to be just snapped away. The ball is in our court. We need to choose to repent.

 And repentance most people don't understand because they think that they can sin and then say “Jesus, forgive me of the sin.” But they say this, but they really lie, they lie to themselves and to Jesus because they know in their head and in their mind that they're going to do this sin again the next day or the next week. They know they're going to do the exact same sin again. But repentance literally means turning away from sin. So how can someone possibly think they have repented, which means turned away from sin when they continue to turn right back to sin? Jesus says as a dog returns to its vomit, so the sinner returns to his sin. And repentance is different than this. It's not a sinner returning to a sin, but repentance means when you sin and you mess up, if you're a Christian, you say immediately to Jesus, “i never want to do this again” and if I will take drastic steps to not do this again, and Jesus tells us, He says if you need to poke out your eye, poke out your eye, if it's going to make you lust, if you need to cut off your arm, cut off your arm, it's better for you to go into heaven missing your ligaments than to be tossed into hell with everything on your body still.

 We need to take serious measures to get rid of sin. We need to take sin seriously, and repenting means turning away from sin, not doing it again and again and again. And i, before I was woken up by Jesus, was in this exact same place with lust. Even with my wife before I got married, it was we were boyfriend, girlfriend and messing around and i'd feel bad and tell Jesus, “sorry, forgive me”, but then I would do it again the next day and then Jesus forgive me and then I do it again the next day. And that is not repentance. Repentance is saying, “lord, I hate my sin. I never want to do it again. And I will do whatever I need to do to not do that sin again.” And as the lord started teaching me and showing me these truths, you can bet if I mess up and if I sin, I will never do that sin again as much as I possibly can. I'm going to be saying, “God, I never want to do that sin again. That's completely evil in your eyes. I don't want to do that again.” And as Christians we need to do the same thing.

We need to say we hate our sin, and we need to repent, not just lie to Jesus and say forgive me but then not really repent. We need to get on our knees and say, “lord Jesus, please forgive me. I can't do this on my own.” And many sins are too hard to give up on our own. We need to come before Jesus and say “help me, help me get rid of lust” or “help me get rid of pride” or “help me get rid… And give it all to Jesus put it before Him, let Him know you're a sinner and say, “take it away”. But if you come to know Jesus and you have given these sins over to Him and you ask Him, “am I righteous in your eyes?”. And He says, “you are sinless in my eyes”, you can bet that you are sinless in the eyes of God because Jesus wipes you clean. But there is absolutely no forgiveness for the unrepented sinner, the one who continues to sin and doesn't repent, meaning turning away from their sin. The only thing that remains for them is the certain damnation. And you can read that in Hebrews 10. We need to repent before Jesus, be serious about getting rid of sin and living holy and pure life. May Jesus bless you, guys.
