Transcript: Jan Boshoff finalcall07 Obeys Jesus: My Testimony


Jan Boshoff, al known as FinalCall07, is a servant of the living Jesus, the living God. And I don't know if he's going to continue to serve Jesus or not, but I can tell you my testimony, and I can tell you when Jan came into my life. And it's interesting, and it's funny, because before I ever heard Jan, I had no idea who he was. I was hardly ever on YouTube except to watch Skate videos and the hardcore music. I was into and the punk bands and stuff like this. But I was working at a church. I've been in church my entire life, and I was a youth pastor for the last seven years of my life. I was working in this church for a long time, devoted my life to it. I went to Bible school. I have my degree in theology, and I was then working going towards my Master of Divinity, but I didn't complete that. And I just started really praying and asking the Lord to reveal to me what His truth was.

And one thing that the Holy Spirit revealed to me even before I truly came to follow Jesus, when I was just in religion and playing church and having my little ministry and all and serving God the way I thought you should serve Him. Jesus spoke to me one time, and He put this on my heart, and this is what He said, He said, SEEK JESUS, WHOM THE HOLY SPIRIT TEACHES, NOT THE DOCTRINES AND THE JESUS CONTRIVED BY MEN. And I think back to it is kind of funny, because I heard this, and this was placed on my Spirit a long time ago. I struggled with this for a long time. And it's funny. I say it's funny because the first thing I thought when I heard this, “Strive after the Jesus whom the Holy Spirit teaches”. I instantly thought, I want to know if there's any man that's teaching this doctrine. And I remember, I kind of latched on for a while and listened to a few preachers and teachers, there was a few that I was really fond of and I listened to. And one in particular, I liked, I read Francis Chan’s book, and I liked him a lot, and I felt like he is led by the Spirit, and He was following His guidance. I remember, I really want to know, is someone else out there teaching about the Holy Spirit, and how he convicts people, and how the Holy Spirit can actually lead us. And I remember watching one of Francis Chan’s videos about the Holy Spirit. And then I remember seeing below him, and I don't know why this was there, but I remember seeing off to the side, in one of the margins, this guy that to me looked like Gimli or something from The Lord of the Rings. And I thought, who is this guy? And I didn't even know it was anything with religion or anything like that, but I clicked on it and watched it in the almost the exact same thing that the Holy Spirit had already placed on my heart and spoke to me about seek Jesus and seek the Jesus whom the Holy Spirit will teach you is exactly what Jan Bashoff was saying, finalcall07.

And so I didn't take Jan's word for it, but certainly he was preaching the message that I already heard from the Lord Jesus myself. And when I heard him teaching it, I went, “Wow, the Spirit of God is already at work. I need to be a part of what the Spirit of God is already doing.” And for a long time, I put this off. For about a year the Holy Spirit kept on giving me little inclinations and warnings and things that I should be doing, and I just kept on quenching the Spirit really for about a year, I did this while still doing my own thing to finally it got pretty intense I couldn't sleep at night, and I was very conflicted. I finally got to the point where I said, “Lord, I want to follow you no matter what the cost.” And I put in my resignation at the church I was working at, and I said, “Lord, take my life, and I want to follow you. And if everything falls through, it's gonna fall through, because I'm following you, Jesus.” And I totally put my trust in Him. And the Lord has guided me ever since. And since that point, the Lord has cleaned my heart. He has given me many words that He has spoken to me in many different ways, through dreams, visions, through people, through experiences, obviously, through the Bible that I continue to read day and night. He has given me and revealed to me Himself so many times, It's been undeniable.

And I can't judge Jan Boshoff. You can’t judge him either. The Lord Jesus judges you, He judges me, He judges our hearts. But I can tell you my testimony of the Lord Jesus, and I can tell you that Jan has also been preaching the truth of Jesus. He is a servant of the living Jesus. He is the servant, and he follows the Lord. So don't believe my words. Maybe don't even believe your own Spirit. Certainly, don't just believe Jan, or some other YouTube preacher, or your pastor, or your parents, or anyone. You are supposed to be drawn to Jesus, to put your faith in Him, and be led by Jesus.

Be led by Jesus. This is what the Holy Spirit wants us to be doing. He wants us to be led by Him, not by any other man. And it's so funny, because we like to instantly think, “Well, is there someone else teaching this?” The Holy Spirit says, be taught by me. And then we instantly go, Well, is some other human teaching to be taught only by God? And we get our eyes off of Jesus again. So let me encourage you, follow Jesus, get your eyes on Him. Don't worry about what all these other people are saying and what they're preaching. If you don't believe my testimony, if you don't believe the testimony of Jan Boshoff, finalcall07, if you don't believe our testimony, fine, but don't believe anyone's testimony, then. seek out Jesus. Get on your knees, ask Him the truth. Do the very thing that Jesus says to do in the scriptures, to be led by the Holy Spirit. He says that. Look at John, chapter 14, 15,16. Look at these verses, We are supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit.

So let me encourage you. The living God is alive. Jesus is alive, and He speaks. I hear Him every night and every day. In fact, when I don't hear Him, I get discouraged. A few days ago, I woke up and I felt that I wasn't quite in a right relationship with Jesus, and I didn't hear Him speaking to me. And by, 01:00, 02:00 in the afternoon, I started to get discouraged and almost depressed, because I felt, what have I done? And I didn't feel the Lord was teaching me. And I got on my knees and started to pray. And then the Lord, He did, He spoke to me and a specific passage that I read earlier, I then read again later, and it stood out to me. And the Lord Jesus spoke to me exactly what I needed that day. So let me encourage you. The Lord Jesus does speak, but you got to seek Him. Get on your knees, start asking Him about the truth. Because Jesus says He is the way, the truth and the life.
