特朗普应该被判有罪吗?Should Trump be Found Guilty? - Andrew Tiner

English Transcript Below
Source: https://youtu.be/_5ZK_-zmBFc

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@warningthepeople



主内的弟兄姐妹们,某件事(行为)是否出于政治动机并不重要,因为最终,我们的罪一定会曝光。 主耶稣将根据我们的行为、每一个行动和每一句话来审判我们。 除非你承认你的罪并为之悔改,否则这些罪仍将存在。 不管你的罪是淫念、看色情作品还是贪心......不管你过去的罪是什么,你都必须悔改,向你曾经得罪的人道歉,并确保你能与上帝和好。 如果你不认罪,不悔改,不坦白,你的罪就会带你下地狱。 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。 

Should Trump be Found Guilty?

Brothers and sisters in the Lord; whether something is politically motivated or not it doesn’t matter because at the END OF THE DAY, our SIN will surely fid us out.  We are judged according to our works, every single action and every single word that we ever said.  And unless you confess your sins and REPENT of your sins those sins will STILL BE THERE.  It doesn’t matter if your sin was lust, pornography, of if it was greed… whatever your sin was you have to REPENT OF THAT, apologize to those who you have offended and make SURE you get right with GOD.  IF you don’t confess and REPENT and come clean, your sin will indeed take you to hell.  May the grace of Jesus be with you.
