大部分基督徒都在抵挡圣灵!Most Christians resist the Holy Spirit! - Alin

Source: https://youtu.be/fTqpx-mg1tA


English Below

大部分基督徒都在抵挡圣灵!Most Christians resist the Holy Spirit! - Alin


被上帝的圣灵引导,不是被自己的想法、被圣经经文引导,或者被那些你认为他们了解圣经的人引导。被上帝的圣灵引导是祷告,借着真实的信心领受到从上帝来的、超自然的启示,这启示来自上帝的圣灵。上帝会亲自向你显现,他会对你说话,给你清晰的指令和引导。 我遇到的大多数基督徒都说上帝在他们的思想中引导他们,因为上帝借着他们的想法说话,这就是他们分辨和正确解释圣经的方式。 不幸的是,没有多少基督徒相信上帝会直接用清晰的声音对他们说话,如果你告诉他们上帝会用清晰的声音对你说话,就像他对那些写经文的人说话一样,他们就会说如果上帝会对他们说话,他们不能确定这是上帝,因为撒旦也能够对他们说话。

这恰好证明他们不认识好牧人的声音,他们不相信父会给他们面包而不是蝎子。这也证明,他们是被自己引导。因为如果你不认识上帝的圣灵的清晰的声音,你怎能分辨出那些想法是来自上帝、你自己还是魔鬼?基督徒们最常见的回答就是:“我会依据经文来辨别。” 而这正是你在被自己的想法引导着。这是愚昧的,也是与上帝为敌的。祷告并去寻找,叩门,你就会找到。确保你是在跟从他,这位主和主宰。否则,在你咽下此生最后一口气,定会大失所望。 愿主耶稣基督祝福你!
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Romans 8:14 All denominations say: "we do as the bible says". Yet they all do it differently because they don't do as the Holy Spirit says. They do according to their own interpretation of the bible. Being guided by the Spirit of God is not guiding yourself with your own mind and the scriptures or being guided by other people whom you think they know the scriptures. Being guided by the Spirit of God is praying and by true faith receiving divine, supernatural, revelation from the Spirit of God. God Himself will reveal Himself to you and He will speak to you and give you clear instruction and guidance. Most christians I meet say God guides them in their thoughts because He speaks in their thoughts and this is how they discern and correctly interpret the bible. Unfortunately not many Christians believe God will speak to them directly with a clear voice and if you tell them He speaks to you with a clear voice as He spoke to those who wrote the scriptures they begin to say they cannot be sure it is the voice of God if He will speak to them because satan can speak to them also. This just proves they know not the voice of the Good Shepherd and they don't trust the Father to give them bread instead of a scorpion and it also proves that they actually guide themselves because if you cannot recognize the clear voice of the Spirit of God how will you be able to discern what thoughts are from Him and from you and from the devil? The usual answer of most christians is: "I test that against the scriptures". Exactly, you guide yourself with your own mind. This is foolishness and enmity against God. Pray and seek, knock and you shall find and make sure you follow Him as Lord and Master because otherwise you will be terribly disappointed on your last day. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you.
