弟兄们:今天就胜过性犯罪!Men: Overcome Sexual Sin Today! - Andrew Tiner


译者注:我将Sexual Sin翻译为性犯罪,更容易理解。圣经里翻译为淫乱的行为。总之包括婚前同居、婚后通奸、自慰、性幻想、情欲等一切与性有关的犯罪,无论是心里还身体上的。

2017年8月9日Andrew Tiner 发布于YouTube 频道WarningThePeople


我为想要胜过性犯罪的弟兄们制作了这个视频。 从性犯罪中被释放得自由是可能的,但你必须比教会中的大多数基督徒更积极强硬才行。 我想见证一下,当我开始认真地跟随耶稣时,他将我从性犯罪中释放得自由。 教会其实完全帮不上什么忙。 尽管青少年牧师们会帮助我,人们会关心我,并尽力帮我活出性纯洁,但直到我认真跟随耶稣,将我的生命交给他,我才得以完全摆脱性犯罪。 耶稣让我得自由了,因为我认真地跟随他并服从他。 如果你想被释放得自由,你必须比教会所教导的更为积极强硬。 我想让你听听马太福音第18章第9节中的耶稣的话。 耶稣说:"倘若你一只眼叫你跌倒,就把它剜出来丢掉。你只有一只眼进入永生,强如有两只眼被丢在地狱的火里。" 事实是,即使你只有一只眼睛,你仍然可以动淫念,所以很明显,耶稣说的不是真正的挖出一只眼睛。 然而,耶稣对待罪非常强硬不留余地。 如果我们真的要摆脱我们的罪,我们就必须像耶稣那样积极强硬地对待它。 如果你是认真的,你必须从你的生活中除掉任何导致你陷入罪的东西。

我想做个见证,当我在教会时,教会里的人鼓励我活在罪中。 他们会说,只要我们不打算和某人发生性关系,动淫念也没什么。 女人们会穿得很不端庄 ,男人们甚至会鼓励女人们穿得不端庄。 教会里的人并没有帮助任何主内的弟兄过圣洁和纯洁的生活。 那时候的现实情况是,我必须离开朋友、家人和教会里的人,才能在主面前保持纯洁。 这就是耶稣说挖掉一只眼睛强过比有两只眼睛下入地狱要好的意思。 如果你真的是认真的,你会跟随耶稣,你会挖出那只眼睛,除掉那些导致你犯罪的东西,不管是什么。要认真克服你的性犯罪,因为在教会中没有人真正会帮到你——即使他们说他们能。 这取决于你和你的心,以及你是否真的在意上帝。 所以问问自己,你是否真的不想给罪留余地? 你是否真的想要像耶稣那样强硬地胜过罪和诱惑,全心全意地跟随主? 还是像那些不冷不热的基督徒一样,只是心不在焉地跟着主,认为他们可以继续活在罪中,最后会得到拯救? 我鼓励你胜过罪,因为只要你愿意,都能成就。 耶稣已经为任何一个想胜过罪的人开辟了道路。 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

I’m making this video for men who want to overcome sexual sin. It is possible to be set free from sexual sins but you have to be much more aggressive than most Christians in church let on. I want to bear witness that I was set free from sexual sins when I got serious about following Jesus. The church however did not help me out at all. Even though youth pastors gave me accountability and people would question me and try to help me in regards to sexual purity, it wasn’t until I got serious with Jesus and gave my life over to Him that I was able to come completely out of this. Jesus set me free because I was serous to follow Him and to obey Him. You have to be more aggressive than what the church teaches if you want to be set free. I want you to listen to the words of Jesus found in Matthew chapter 18 verse 9. Jesus says; “If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. Well, the truth is, even if you only have one eye you can still lust, so obviously Jesus wasn’t talking about literally poking out one eye. However Jesus was very aggressive to get rid of sin. And if we are serious to get rid of our sin we have to be as aggressive about it as Jesus is. If you are serious you have to eliminate anything from your life that causes you to fall into sin. I want to bear witness that when I was in church the men in church encouraged me IN sin. They would say it was okay to lust as long as we don’t actually plan to have sex with someone. The women would dress immodestly and the men would even encourage the women to dress immodestly. The people in church did not help whatsoever any brothers in the Lord to be holy and pure. I had to actually leave friends and family members and people in church before I could be pure before the Lord. This is what Jesus meant when He said it is better to have one eye plucked out than to have both eyes cast into hell. If you really are serious you will follow Jesus and you will pluck out that eye, whatever it is that causes you to sin. Be serious about overcoming your sexual sins because no one in church is really going to help you, even if they say they will. It comes down to YOU and YOUR heart and if you REALLY mean business with GOD. So ask yourself a question, are you really aggressive? Are you really aggressive like Jesus is to overcome sin and temptation and to just follow the Lord with all of your heart? Or are you like the lukewarm Christians who are just kind of half heartedly seeking after the Lord, who think that they can continue in sin and they will be saved in the end? I encourage you to overcome sin because it IS possible IF YOU WANT TO! Jesus has made the way for any man who wants to overcome his sin. May the grace of Jesus be with you.
