主的羊听主的声音:来自圣灵的指引阻止愚昧Guidance from the Holy Spirit Prevents Foolishness - Andrew Tiner

 Source: https://youtu.be/veBdy0ALUDE

English Below


Listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit will save us a lot of embarrassment because when we're in the world chasing after our own desires, we tend to think of ourselves first. We don't have our tongue under control. We will say things out of pride, and it makes us look very foolish. There have been many times that I was going to say something, but the Holy Spirit stopped me, and I realized how foolish I would have looked if I said that out of the flesh. We need to make sure that we stay in submission to the Holy Spirit and follow His guidance. Are you as a Christian LED by the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Do you hearken to His calling, to His words? Do you hearken to His guidance every day? Or are you LED by your own spirit, your own flesh?

May the grace of Jesus be with you.
