教会骗局系列:参加教会是愚蠢的Attending Church is Foolish - Andrew Tiner

Source: https://youtu.be/pH9klEhLN1w

English Below 

2023年3月27日 YouTube 频道 WarningThePeople



教会是一条通往地狱的高速路。那不是窄路。那绝不是通向永生的窄路。我想给你们读一下路加福音第十三章。这是耶稣关于窄路的说法,"你们要努力进窄门。我告诉你们,将来有许多人想要进去,却是不能。”那许多想进去的人不是无神论者,不是只相信科学的人,而是基督教的信徒。"及至家主起来关了门,你们站在外面叩门,说:‘主啊,给我们开门!’他就回答说:‘我不认识你们,不晓得你们是哪里来的!’ 那时,你们会说:‘我们在你面前吃过喝过。’”一个无神论者会这样说吗?"你也在我们的街上教训过人。"一个不信神的人会这样说的吗?"他要说:‘我告诉你们,我不晓得你们是哪里来的。你们这一切作恶的人,离开我去吧!’ 你们要看见亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各,和众先知都在神的国里,你们却被赶到外面,在那里必要哀哭切齿了。 从东、从西、从南、从北将有人来,在神的国里坐席。 只是有在后的,将要在前;有在前的,将要在后。”


Brothers and sisters in the Lord, I want to warn you that it is very foolish to attend church. It is one of the easiest ways to distract you from the kingdom of God, to lure you into falsehood, and to lead yourself and your family to hell. The churches today are apostate. They are teaching all sorts of lies. They don't know Jesus Christ. They are stuck in sin. They idolize the bible. They teach that you have to pay tithe to them. They by no means are entering the kingdom of God themselves, and they're not helping others to enter either. It is much worse than most people think. A lot of people think, “well, at least I want my children hearing the word of God. I got to get them in church. We have to stay plugged in. If we're disconnected to the fellowship, how will we be able to overcome?” 

Church is a highway to hell. It is not the narrow path. It is not the narrow road that leads to everlasting life. I want to read to you from Luke chapter thirteen. This is what Jesus said about the narrow way, "strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.". That many that are seeking to enter are not atheists, not just people who believe in science, but they are the Christian church. “When once the master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open for us.’ And he will answer and say to you, “I do not know you, where you are from?” Then you begin to say, “we ate and drank in your presence.” Is an atheist saying this? “And you taught in our streets”. Is an unbeliever saying this? “But he will say, ‘i tell you, I do not know you. Where you are from? Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity.’ There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and yourselves thrust out. They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God. And indeed, there are last who will be first and their first who will be last. 

The way to enter is through the narrow door; the narrow gate is Jesus Christ himself. If you want to get to know him, start praying to him. Ask him for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and teach your children also to seek after Jesus Christ, not after dead religion. Jesus and his spirit of truth will lead you. But dead religion, the false church, will certainly take you and your family to hell. May the grace of Jesus be with you.
