Transcript: You must be Baptized in Water to Have Salvation - finalcall07


 You must be BAPTIZED IN WATER if you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Those are the WORDS of the KING JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF that He spoke to Nicodemus, a Jewish ruler. I read from John 3:3 And Jesus answered and said to him: Truly, truly I SAY to you UNLESS one is BORN AGAIN, he CANNOT SEE the KINGDOM OF GOD :5 And Jesus answered Truly I SAY to you, UNLESS one is BORN OF WATER and the SPIRIT, he CANNOT ENTER INTO the KINGDOM OF GOD. :6 That which is BORN of the FLESH is FLESH and that which is BORN of the SPIRIT is SPIRIT. “Born of the Spirit” with a capital "S", Born of the SPIRIT OF GOD. Dear friends, being BORN AGAIN means that we have DIED to our OLD LIFESTYLE, and now we are being BORN AGAIN INTO the KINGDOM OF GOD. But in order to be BORN of the SPIRIT you FIRST NEED TO DIE, You need to REPENT of SIN and REPENT of your PREVIOUS LIFESTYLE, that lifestyle must DIE. And the SIGN that you have REPENTED, you have DIED for your PREVIOUS LIFESTYLE, is that you are BAPTIZED IN WATER. Because you BURY the OLD MAN OF SIN. Now that is an ACT of OBEDIENCE because JESUS HIMSELF was BAPTIZED, and His disciples baptized all those who BELIEVED IN HIM, and then when they BECAME OBEDIENT TO JESUS, by being BAPTIZED IN WATER, they were also BAPTIZED IN the HOLY SPIRIT. Dear friend, in order to be BORN AGAIN, you need to be BORN OF WATER and OF SPIRIT. The WATER BAPTISM is done by a fellow believer, a disciple of Jesus Christ. But there is only ONE who can DO the HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM and that is JESUS CHRIST, and He will only BAPTIZE you in the HOLY SPIRIT ONCE you BECOME OBEDIENT to HIM. Now OBEDINECE is to TURN AWAY FROM SIN to DIE TO SIN, to DIE TO YOURSELF, your PREVIOUS LIFESTYLE, and THEN to BURY the OLD MAN of SIN THROUGH BAPTISM. We see the manifestation of this in Acts 19:1 And it came about that when Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper country came to Ephesus, and found some disciples. :2 and he said to them: Did you RECEIVE the HOLY SPIRIT when you BELIEVED? And they said to him, NO, we have NOT even HEARD whether there is a HOLY SPIRIT :3 And he said, Into what then were you BAPTIZED? And they said, Into John's baptism. :4 And Paul said, John BAPTIZED with the BAPTISM of REPENTANCE, telling the people to BELIEVE IN HIM who was coming after him, that is in JESUS :5 And when they heard this, they were BAPTIZED in the NAME of the LORD JESUS. :6 And when Paul had LAID his hands upon them, the HOLY SPIRIT came on them, and they BEGAN SPEAKING WITH TONGUES and PROPHESSYING. You see, my friends, as soon as these people became OBEDIENT TO JESUS when they who were previously disciples who had already repented of their sin, but when they became OBEDIENT TO JESUS and were BAPTIZED IN WATER in the NAME OF JESUS for the FORGIVENESS of their SINS, then JESUS HIMSELF BAPTIZED them in the HOLY SPIRIT. And that is the CONFIRMATION that they were ACCEPTED INTO the KINGDOM OF GOD, that JESUS CHRIST TOUCHED them. Dear friends, you need to be BORN AGAIN to ENTER the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. You need to be born of WATER and of the HOLY SPIRIT, but you FIRST need to DIE. You first need to REPENT OF SIN and you need to DIE of your FORMER LIFE STYLE. And then as a SIGN of that, as a PUBLIC CONFESSION, that I have DIED to my former lifestyle, and I want to be a child of God and I accepting Jesus as my LORD, then you are BAPTIZED IN WATER as a PUBLIC CONFESSION and then JESUS HIMSELF will BAPTIZE you in the HOLY SPIRIT. Dear friends, Jesus has not changed. He still baptizes people in the HOLY SPIRIT. But very few people are baptized in the Holy Spirit because very few people are TRULY BORN AGAIN. Are you BORN AGAIN of WATER and of SPIRIT? May Jesus bless you.
