悔改系列:不会有(死前)最后一刻的悔改No last minute repentance - finalcall07


finalcall07(Justice Boshoff, Jan Boshoff)




     如果我们故意犯罪,上帝不会赦免我们的罪。不要认为你能今天犯罪,今晚上床之前,跪下来祷告说:“哦主耶稣,请快快赦免我吧...在我睡觉之前,主啊...让我成为圣洁的。” 这行不通的,朋友,因为上帝知道我们的心。如果你没有从心底彻底悔改,并且恨恶罪,爱上帝,他不会听你的祷告。如果你还打算第二天继续犯罪,上帝不会赦免你。你需要与你的罪一刀两断。你必须完全纯洁、圣洁。你骗不过上帝。



Many people are hoping for a last-minute repentance, like a death bed repentance. They think they can go on living just as they please, they can go on in sin and in wickedness, and then just before they die, they want to repent, and then they think that will be good enough for them to go into heaven. Dear friends, God is not a fool, and if you don't truly love Jesus, and if you are not truly righteous, you will not go into the Kingdom of heaven. You will not get an opportunity for a last-minute repentance, because God knows our hearts. He knows our attitude. He knows who loves Him and He knows when people hate Him. We cannot fool God, dear friends. You cannot go on fornicating with the world, and love the things of the world, and then think that you will go into the Kingdom of Heaven. NO, dear friends. It’s not that easy. Do not wait until the last day. You will not have that opportunity. If we deliberately sin, then God also does not forgive our sins. Don't think that you can sin today and then tonight before you go to bed, you just go on your knees and you say: "O Lord Jesus forgive me quickly… before I go to bed Lord… and make me holy." It doesn't work, dear friends, because God knows your heart. And if you do not repent from the heart, and HATE sin, and love God, He doesn't listen to your prayers. If you intend going on with your sins tomorrow, God will not forgive you. You've got to break with your sins. You have got to be absolutely PURE and HOLY. You cannot cheat God. Don't think that you can wait for the last minute. There will be no last minute. Today is the day of salvation. Today, when you hear the voice of God speaking to you in your heart, He is speaking to you now. REPENT, dear friend. REPANT means, not admitting you are a sinner. It means to TURN AWAY FROM SIN, to ABSOLUTELY turn away from sin, and to obey Jesus, become holy, DO THE WILL OF GOD. If you do not obey Him, and if you do not follow Him with ALL your heart, you will not go into heaven, you will CERTAINLY go into HELL. You cannot cheat God, dear friend. Don't think that you can wait for a last-minute repentance. THERE WILL BE NO SUCH THING. May Jesus bless you.
