Transcript: Do ONLY Disciples Enter Heaven?


Some people wonder if it's absolutely necessary to become a disciple in order to get into heaven. In other words, can you be something less? Can you just be a casual observer of the Gospel? Can you be someone who just believes but doesn't become a disciple? Will that qualify you to entering into God's kingdom? The answer would be, you have to become a disciple. In Matthew chapter 28, Jesus gives his people the great commission. He says, all power and all authority has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you, and lo I am with you always, even to the very end of the age. Amen. We cannot make disciples and teach people about Jesus if we ourselves are not disciples and loyal to him. Only those who walk with Jesus and receive His Spirit will enter into His kingdom. You have to hold Jesus' hand, because without holding His hand and going with Him, you don't have life. You don't have anything. And even what you think you have in this life, the religion you have, the belief you have, will all be stripped away from you in the end. You need to get to know Jesus Christ. You need to obey Him. You need to bear good fruit. Are we bearing good fruit for Jesus? Are we living according to His words? Or do we think that we will get into heaven by some other door, some other way, just by being good people, just by paying our tithes to the church? How will you enter heaven? Will you enter by the blood of Jesus Christ? Will you enter by holding His hand and enduring with Him to the end? Or you suppose there is another way? May the grace of Jesus be with you. 
