与耶稣建立关系系列:投入垃圾,收获垃圾 Garbage IN - Garbage OUT - Jan Boshoff(finalcall07)

Source: https://youtu.be/ly--0kJDiD0


2012年9月22日 Jan Boshoff(finalcall07)


上帝的国是关乎耶稣的。但耶稣把他的所有都给了我们,作为回报,我们将什么献给他呢?有多少时间我们花在与耶稣的相处上? 我们的生命又有几分属于耶稣? 我们花了多少时间去祷告?我们为耶稣做了多少见证?在我们与耶稣的关系中,我们投入的是什么?你种下什么就会收获什么。如果你稀稀落落的播种,你的收获也不会有几何。你如果什么都没有种下,那你会一无所获!在与耶稣的关系上,如果你没有付上努力,那一天他会对你说:“走开!你们这些作恶的人,我从来都不认识你们!”因为在这段关系上,你没有尽你的责任。


亲爱的朋友,一切都是关于上帝的国,而非关于我们自己。耶稣给出了一切,他期待我们也能够同样的投入一切。如果在与耶稣的关系上,你投入的只是垃圾,那你将会收获垃圾。如果在这段关系上,我们没把一切投入其中,那就不会有任何进展。人们问耶稣得救的人是否很少, 耶稣说:“你们要努力进窄门。我告诉你们,将来有许多人想要进去,却是不能。” (路加福音 13:24 和合本)



You get out of any relationship, that which you put into it. A good relationship requires very hard work. Many relationships die because both or either partner do not put their part into it. Most believers have no relationship with Jesus because they are putting nothing into it. They expect Jesus to DO everything and to GIVE everything because they are selfish and everything is about them. The kingdom of God is about Jesus but Jesus gave everything for us. What are we giving Him in return? How much time are we spending with Jesus. How much of our life belongs to Jesus? How much time are we spending in prayer. How much do we testify for Jesus? What are we investing in our relationship with Jesus? What you sow, you reap! If you sow sparsely you will reap sparsely, if you sow nothing you will reap nothing! If you don't work at that relationship with Jesus then He will say to you one day:"Go away from Me I never knew you, you who work wickedness!" Because YOU did not bring your part in that relationship. We need to work very hard at our relationship with Jesus. Many people want the Holy Spirit but they don't want to praise Jesus, they cannot spend time with Him. If you are not willing to spend time praying and PRAISING Jesus, DON"T expect Him to give you the Holy Spirit. If you are not willing to work for the kingdom of God, don't expect Him to give you any gifts! What do you want it for? To use it on yourself? It is about the kingdom of God, dear friend, it is not about us! It is about Jesus, He gave everything and He expects exactly the same of us, EVERYTHING. If you put garbage into your relationship with Jesus you will reap garbage. If we do not put everything into it we will just not make it! They asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are few and He said: "Strive HARD for narrow is the door that leads to life and FEW there be that find it. Many will try HARD and will not be able." How hard are you working at your relationship with Jesus? May Jesus bless you.
