

2022年11月3日 乌克兰 Anzhelika姐妹 


然后我们发现发生了几次爆炸。一枚火箭弹击中了火力发电站,我们从那里得到电力供应,所以这一天的大部分时间我们都没有电或互联网。我们收到通知,只有在早上和晚上才会有2-3个小时的供电...... 这个火力发电站,要保证电力正常供应是非常困难的...

但耶稣成就了不可能的事!!!这太棒了 !这真是太棒了!! 我爱我的上帝!!就在同一天的晚上,我们的房子里恢复了供电有了灯光,而且直到现在一直都有!!!令人惊讶的是,我们附近的两个邻居的房子,电力和水都中断了,在基辅市,非常多的房子没有灯光,街上也没有光!!!我们有光 !而我们有亮光!!  只有我们这里!!!这真的很令人惊讶!!!

圣灵多次提醒我"......惟有以色列人家中都有亮光。"出埃及记10。!!!!!! :)))))

A couple of days ago, we were again actively shelled with rockets. Many rockets were fired all over Ukraine. I was sitting at the table and saw how the water on the table was pumped into a decanter ... It was creepy. We heard rockets flying over us. There was a terrible chirping...

And then we found out that there were several explosions. One rocket hit the thermal power plant, from which we have electricity. There was no electricity or internet for most of the day. We were told that the light would be only in the morning and in the evening for 2-3 hours... It was very difficult to get everything right at this thermal power plant...

BUT JESUS ​​DOES THE IMPOSSIBLE!!! THAT IS SO COOL!!! I LOVE MY GOD!!! In the evening of the same day IN OUR HOUSE RESTORED THE LIGHT AND THERE IS ALREADY CONSTANTLY!!! It is amazing that in two neighboring houses NEAR us there were interruptions in electricity and water, and in the city of Kyiv there was no light in so many houses, there was no light on the street!!! AND WE HAVE LIGHT!!! LIGHTS ON THE STREET!!! ONLY HERE!!! It's really amazing!!!

The Holy Spirit reminded me several times: "... but all the sons of Israel had light in their dwellings", Exodus 10. !!!!!! :)))))
