被魔鬼压制的世代(finalcall07)A Demon Oppressed Generation

Source: https://youtu.be/jVySus21cJA 

2011年8月5日 finalcall07


Now, We are living in a generation and a society that is absolutely demon oppressed. There are so many children, young people, that contact me, and they live in fear. They are in utter fear. They cannot leave the house. They are worried about everything. They are oppressed by fear. Now, you ask yourself, where does this fear come from? This fear and uncertainty. 

It is because this generation spends its time in front of the television. The children are playing these hideous satanic video games, war games. They are reading Harry Potter, all of these things, this medium comes into your mind. It opens the door for Satan to come into you and to get a hold of you. And once the devil is in you, then he gets a hold of you, and then he starts compelling you. He starts driving you. People live in fear and anxiety. Children are in fear. They are in anxiety. They're watching these horror movies, and they playing these terrible war games. These things come into them. People watch pornography and all kinds of media. With all of that media, they watch the news with all of that media. The fears come into them, and demons come into them and get a hold of them, and they grab a hold of them, and they start controlling them. They get ulcers. They live in fear. They get anxiety. 

The next thing is they go to the doctor and they need to get prescription drugs or whatever to calm them down. But they do not stop the influx of all the reason, of all of this bondage that comes into their lives. They've rejected Christ and the Bible, but they are embracing Harry Potter and all of this rubbish into their lives. And now they are becoming demon possessed. And Satan has only one purpose with you, and that is to destroy you. Because once he's got a hold of you, he starts compelling you, and then you cannot control yourself in him. You are in fear all the time. And now you go on to use prescription drugs. And all of these things, or habit they fall a form habits. You become addicted to these things. You're not in control anymore. Then people come to Jesus. They accept Jesus Christ or they say so. But they refuse to reject these things. They fight for their TV, and they video games. They still want to do all these things.  They want to still be busy with these lustful things. 

There is no way, my friend, that you can get free and free from sin. If you do not reject all evil and reject the works of the flesh, then you will still be in bondage. The only way that Christ will set you free is if you reject all these other things, if you repent from them. Christians say it's impossible to stop sinning. Yes, it is impossible, because you have never repented, my friend. You still holding on to your TV and your video games and the lusts of your flesh. You still watching your pornographies, and you are going after your pleasure. So Christ does not share you with any of these things. If you want to be free, you get rid of all these things, you embrace Jesus Christ, and then He will come in. 

Your sins and your iniquities and your vices form a barrier between you and God. And you can pray, but you pray in vain, you say, "Lord, deliver me. But you hang on to your sin. How can He deliver you? He will not. Because you love your sin. God won't wrench it from your hand and say, "give me the TV. I want it now."No, it's your choice. But now you are tortured by these demons, and they take you to where you don't want to go, and you're gonna die. They're gonna kill you, my friend. You're gonna get an ulcer. You'll have a heart attack, you'll die. Why? It's your choice to be bound by Satan and to indulge in all of these things.

The only way to get free is to repent of them. Say, "Lord Jesus, please set me free. But now I get rid of these things." And you, as a Christian, you who are in bondage, repent to those things. Agree with the Spirit of God that you are a sinner. Agree with Him that these things will take you to hell and repent of them. Reject them out of your life, and you will see, you will get free. Your fear will leave you. Your anxiety will leave you. You won't need to take those pills to go to bed either. God will give you peace. But the Spirit of God does not share any place in space in your heart with anything else. If Jesus comes in and you invite Him in, He will come in. But then you got a sweep at clean. Because when He comes in, it happens a lot of times, people come and they accept Jesus, and the Spirit of God comes in and cleans them out. But then they don't stay with God, and all these demons come back in, because then they find that their houses swept and nice, and they bring all their friends with them. And the end of that person is worse than the beginning. And then he's really possessed, then he's really in deep trouble. 

So if you want to get free from these oppressions and depressions and of the Satanic possessions, you got to repent in the first place. You got to make a decision and make a break, break with your sins, or your sins will destroy you. And then when once you have made that decision, then you say “Lord Jesus, I repent of this. Lord, please forgive me. And Lord cleans me and sent me free."And then you go to Jesus, and He will come into your heart. But you've got to be serious. And then you must get rid of physically, get rid of all your vices, throwing them out of your house. Chuck it out. Make it easy on yourself. Chuck that TV out. Chuck all of those games out. Clean out your house and embrace Christ into your heart and listen to the Holy spirit. 

It's the only way you're going to be saved and get into heaven is through total focus on Jesus Christ and following Him every day of your life, devoting your life to Him. It's also the only way that you'll get free, or otherwise, you gonna be in bondage of sin and of vices and of fear. And Satan will have his way with you. He'll destroy your body. Many people end in suicide, and you'll end up in hell, too. So whomever the Son of God is set free, he will be free. 

But you need to get rid of your vices, repent, that is what repentance mean. “Lord, I'm sorry for this, and I rejected them with my whole being. Put your Holy Spirit into me, please, Lord, and I will obey you, right until the end." And then Jesus will really set you free and make you perfectly holy and righteous and ready for the kingdom of Heaven. That's your choice, my friend. Jesus invites us, we can take it. He will set you free If we come to Jesus. He invites you right now, the decision is yours.  May Jesus bless you.  





之后,人们来到耶稣面前,他们接受了耶稣基督,或者说他们是这样说的。但他们拒绝丢弃那些东西。他们为自己的电视辩护,为自己的网络游戏开脱。他们仍然要继续这些事情。 他们仍然沉醉于这些出于罪恶欲望的事情。我的朋友,如果你不拒绝一切邪恶,不拒绝肉体的行为,你不会被从罪中被释放得自由,那么你仍然会在捆绑之中。基督释放你自由的唯一途径就是你要拒绝所有这些东西,你要为之悔改。基督徒们说,要停止犯罪是不可能的。是的,这是不可能的,因为你从未悔改,我的朋友。你仍然抱着你的电视和网络游戏,并顺从你肉体的欲望。你还在看色情影音和书籍,你还追求自己的享乐。所以,基督与你这些东西无关。如果你想获得自由,你就要弃绝所有这些东西,来拥抱耶稣基督,然后他才会进来与你同住。

你的罪、你的不义和你的恶习在你和上帝之间形成了一个屏障。你虽然祷告,但你的祷告是徒劳的,你说:"主啊,救我。“但你依然沉醉于你的罪中。他怎么能救你呢?他不会的。因为你爱你的罪。神不会把这些从你手中夺走,说,"把电视给我,不能再看。" 不,这是你的选择。但现在你被这些魔鬼折磨着,他们把你带到你不想去的地方,你会死在其上。他们会杀了你,我的朋友。你可能会得溃疡。你可能会心脏病突发,你就死了。为什么?这是你的选择,你选择被撒旦束缚,放纵自己沉溺于所有这些事情。


因此,如果你想从这些压制和抑郁以及被鬼附身的境况中解脱出来,你首先得悔改。你必须做出决定,与罪断绝关系,否则你的罪会毁灭你。然后当你做出这个决定后,你祷告说 "主耶稣,我悔改。主啊,请原谅我。主,洁净我,让我自由。"你去找耶稣,他会住进你心。但你必须认真对待,你必须摆脱你所有肉体的恶习,把这些东西从你的房子里扔出去。扔掉它们,你自己可以轻松的做到,把电视扔出去,把那些游戏都扔掉,清理干净你的房子,邀请基督进入你心,并听从圣灵的指引。 这是你得救和进入天国的唯一途径,就是完全专注于耶稣基督,你生命的每一天都跟随他,把你的生命献给他。这也是你获得自由的唯一途径,否则,你会被罪恶、恶习和恐惧捆绑住。撒旦会用他的方式来对付你,他会摧毁你的身体,许多人以自杀告终,最终下入地狱。

但,如果神的儿子释放你自由,你会真正得到自由。但你需要除掉你的恶习,悔改,这就是悔改的意思。“主啊,我为此感到抱歉,我会用全身心来拒绝这些恶习和罪。请赐你的圣灵住在我里面,主啊,我会服从你,直到最后。" 耶稣会真正使你自由,使你变得完全圣洁和公义,为进入天国做好准备。但这是你的选择,我的朋友。耶稣向你发出邀请,你可以选择接受与否。如果你来向耶稣,他会使你自由。他现在就在邀请你,决定权在你。 愿耶稣祝福你。

