新生命历程:你必须惧怕耶稣( finalcall07)YOU MUST FEAR JESUS

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmzm3BykypM&t=1s

Originally Posted by finalcall07




我惧怕耶稣。20年前,我心脏病突发死了,我认为我已经得救了,但是我死后却发现我自己在去往地狱的路上,我请求耶稣,他允许我回来,改过自新,告诉世人耶稣是活着的,地狱是真实的。你必须惧怕耶稣。耶稣警告过他的门徒:“朋友们,我告诉你们,不要惧怕那些杀害人的身体后再也无计可施的人。 我告诉你们应该惧怕谁,要惧怕*上帝(英文为the one 或him)——祂有权终结人的生命,并把人丢在地狱里。是的,我告诉你们,要惧怕祂!”(路加福音 12:4-5 当代译本)







 It does not matter who you are, where you

live, what your status is. There is only one person who can give eternal life and that is Jesus Christ. People are foolish, they do not know Him and therefore they reject Him. Jesus Christ is Lord, all power and all authority belongs to Him and He will decide whether you go into heaven or into hell. There are only two destinations, heaven or hell. Only those who have accepted and obeyed Jesus have a chance or a hope of eternal life, nobody else . Those who refuse Him are already condemned, they are already doomed. They have no chance but many of those who believe in Him do not obey Him because they do not fear Him. They do not believe His words and therefor they will also perish, because Jesus said that those who disobey Him, who disobey His words, will not enter the kingdom of heaven. If we love Him we will obey Him and do exactly what He said. Not many will be saved, not many will enter the kingdom of heaven. Some of the most foolish people are Christians, because they believe in Jesus but they do not obey His words and they will end up in hell if they do not repent and obey Him. They follow after the doctrines of men. They refuse to obey the words of Jesus as they are also recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus said repent and be baptized, They refuse to be baptized, many refuse to stop sinning they will perish. The disobedient, the sinner will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus warned that many believers who thought they had eternal life, who cast out demons in His name and did many miracles, mighty works, He will turn them away and H will say to them:"Go away I never knew you." Why, because they did not obey Him. They were not in relationship, in communion with Him, they did not fear Him. The vast majority of Christians do not fear Jesus because they do not know Him and they are foolish. I fear Him. 20 years ago I had a heart attack and I died. I thought I was saved but I died and I found myself on my way to hell. I pleaded with Jesus and He allowed me to come back to come and mend my ways and tell the world that Jesus is alive and hell is real. You must fear Jesus. Jesus warned His disciples: "I say to you My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that they have no more that they can do, but I will warn you whom to fear. Fear the one who after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell, yes I tell you fear Him." That is Jesus. It is not God that will judge the world, it is Jesus . All authority and all power has been given to Jesus. He is the final judge and you will stand before Him, whether you like it or not, whether you believe in Him or not and He will decide whether you go into heaven or into hell. Many Christians disregard Jesus. They just believe in him for salvation but they have nothing to do with Him. They shun Him, mock Him, disregard Him because they do not fear Him and that is why they will end up in hell. Do you fear Him? Do take His words seriously? Do you obey Him. If you fear Him you will love Him and you will obey Him. You must fear Jesus. May Jesus bless you. Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real. I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ so that you can know Him and follow Him and have eternal life. Subscribe to my channel to learn more about Jesus, May Jesus bless you, WITNESS FOR JESUS! Visit me at: http://www.finalcall07.com email: finalcall07@gmail.com Follow me on Twitter: Justice Boshoff @finalcall07
