属灵争战:制伏和胜过你的罪(WarningThePeople)Master Your Sin and Overcome



今天赞美耶稣,主内的弟兄姐妹们,今天主放在我心里的信息是,我们每个人都要得胜。 今天早上,主把这个关于该隐和亚伯的故事放在我的心里。如果你看看该隐的母亲对他的评价很有意思,她相信该隐会成为属神的人。 创世记第四章里她说了什么呢?有一日,那人和他妻子夏娃同房,夏娃就怀孕,生了该隐(就是得的意思),便说:“耶和华使我得了一个男子。” (创世记 4:1 和合本) 她相信该隐会成为一个跟随主的人,会成为祝福。 但我们知道后面该隐杀了他的兄弟亚伯。 但在他杀了他的兄弟之后,甚至在这之前和之后,上帝都给了他一个选择,让他选择善或恶。 上帝并没有直接定该隐的罪。 上帝并没有预先定好我们任何一个人得救并进入天堂,或者预先定好我们被诅咒并下地狱。 而是,正是由于我们的选择,由于我们的行为和言语,才会被定罪或被上帝祝福。 我想给你们读一下当时发生的情况,以及上帝对该隐说的话。  

              又生了该隐的兄弟亚伯。亚伯是牧羊的;该隐是种地的。 有一日,该隐拿地里的出产为供物献给耶和华; 亚伯也将他羊群中头生的和羊的脂油献上。耶和华看中了亚伯和他的供物, 只是看不中该隐和他的供物。该隐就大大地发怒,变了脸色。 (创世记 4:2-5 和合本)

              所以你可能会问,为什么神看不中该隐,却看中了亚伯呢? 这与献的是地里的出产还是羊无关,而是与他们以怎样的心态向主奉献有关。 如果我们勉强地奉献,不情愿的奉献给主,那就不是主所喜悦的。 教会里有一些人基本上是被迫奉献他们的十分之一,他们认为那十分之一是上帝想要的,实际他们甚至什么都不想给,他们这么做只是出于他们的宗教责任。 他们根本不想要把自己的心或生命的任何一部分献给神。 这不是上帝所希望或看中的奉献,但上帝希望我们自愿将自己的全部奉献给他,这就是为什么神看不中该隐而悦纳了亚伯。  


             耶和华对该隐说:“你为什么发怒呢?你为什么变了脸色呢? (创世记 4:6 和合本)



换句话说,你会不会成为属神的人? 如果你做得好,难道不会得到上帝的祝福吗? 上帝接着对他说:

“你若行得不好,罪就伏在门前。它必恋慕你,你却要制伏它。”(创世记 4:7 和合本)


              如果你看第10节,耶和华说:“你做了什么事呢?你兄弟的血有声音从地里向我哀告。 (创世记 4:10 和合本)


“地开了口,从你手里接受你兄弟的血。现在你必从这地受咒诅。” (创世记 4:11 和合本)

              而这些诅咒落在该隐身上,因为他谋杀了他的兄弟。 并不是上帝已经预定了该隐行邪恶的事,让他注定下地狱。 耶稣并没有因为任何人生来就有这样或那样的问题就判定他下地狱。 但我们每一个人都必须重生,我们必须得胜!当罪来敲门时,你要做出选择,你会选择跟着心中的罪,还是斥责并赶走那些蹲伏在你门口的魔鬼? 该隐没有胜过这些,而是罪胜过了他,他被罪制伏,走向了灭亡。 但我们这些想胜过罪的人,我们必须努力进入神的国,我们必须每天否认自己,我们必须克制我们的肉体,我们必须竭尽全力的拼搏以进入神国。  

        认为我们 "一次得救,永远得救",只要我们做个祷告,就确保我们可以进入神国了,这个信念是教会中流行的最大的谎言之一。 这是非常虚伪的,因为他们相信他们已经得救是因为他们属于他们的教会,或者他们出生在一个基督教家庭。 他们认为:如果你背离了上帝,那是因为你从一开始就没有得救......但在整本圣经中,我们知道,无论男女在上帝面前都有机会得救,要么他们听从呼召,与主同行直到最后而得救,要么他们不跟随呼召,因为拒绝行出公义而被上帝咒诅。

我们真的需要胜过试探诱惑,如果我们这样去行,主会祝福我们, 他会帮助我们,但如果我们没有制伏罪,这会引起巨大的问题,这些罪会传给我们的家人,我们这一代都会受到诅咒。 至于我和我的家人,我想把我生命中的每一个呼吸、每一天都献给主,让我可以为他的目的被使用。 我们想奉耶稣的名得胜,而得胜的唯一方法每天在主面前是保持谦卑和清洁,跪下来祷告,请求主的圣灵充满我们,穿上神所赐的全副武装,完全谦卑和公义地过好我们的一天。

              如果我们早上醒来,忘记了胜过罪,忘记了推开肉体的欲望,那就是撒旦战胜我们的关键时机,一旦我们跌倒,那么撒旦就会说:"你很没用,你不如完全回到世界......干脆不要尝试过公义的生活了......每个人都是罪人...... "一旦你被打倒,如果你不爬起来,如果你不继续清心地与主同行,撒旦就会摧毁你的整个生命。 这就是很多基督徒的处境,因为他们的意志被耗尽,他们允许撒旦进入他们的内心,本质上,他们已经变得像该隐一样。 现在他们只是认为上帝在诅咒他们,他们甚至不知道为什么,原因是由于罪。

 这不是由于遗传的世代诅咒,也不是由于上帝预定了某人的命运,而是与我们的选择有关。 记得上帝告诉该隐:"你若行得好,岂不蒙悦纳?你若行得不好,罪就伏在门前。它必恋慕你,你却要制伏它。”(创世记 4:7 和合本)  如果该隐制伏了他的罪,他就会成为属神的人,神就会赐福给他。 上帝并不会因为他是一个属于上帝的人而诅咒他(正如他的母亲称他为 "从上帝得到的人")当然不会。 而是当他决绝跟随神的呼召,选择邪恶时,他才被诅咒了。 同样地,我们必须选择真理而不是错谬。 我们必须选择光明而不是黑暗,选择善而不是恶。 今天你会选择在公义中与耶稣同行吗? 还是选择走该隐的路,跟着肉体的情欲、愤怒、仇恨走向死亡? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Master Your Sin and Overcome

Praise Jesus today brothers and sisters in the Lord, the message today that the Lord has been putting on my heart is that each of us have to overcome.  This morning the Lord put it on my heart this story about Cain and Able, and it’s interesting, if you look at what Cain’s mother said about him, she believed that he was going to be a man of God.  This is what she said, this is genesis chapter 4; “Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the LORD.”  She believed that this man Cain was going to be someone who followed the LORD and who would be a blessing.  But as we know Cain killed his brother Able.  But after he had killed his brother, or actually right before and after, GOD gave him a choice, to choose good or evil.  God did not just condemn Cain.  None of us are just saved and gong to heaven because God predestined us, or damned and going to hell because God predestined us for hell.  But it is by our choices, it is by our actions and our words that will either condemn us or God will bless.  I want to read to you what happened with this situation and what God told Cain.  

              Genesis 4; “Then she bore again, this time his brother Abel.  Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.  And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the LORD.  Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat.  And the LORD respected Abel and his offering, but He did not respect Cain and his offering.  And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.”

              So you might ask why did God not respect Cain, but He respected Able?  It did not have to do with the fact that one was fruit of the ground or one was an offering of the flock, but it had to do with the heart attitude of how that brother was offering it to the Lord.  If we give begrudgingly, without wanting to give to the Lord, that is NOT pleasing to the LORD.  There are some people in church that are basically forced to give their 10%, and they give that 10% thinking that it’s what God wants, but they don’t even want to give God anything, they just give because its their religious duty.  And they could care less to give God ANY portion of their heart or life.  And that is NOT the kind of offering that God desires or respects, but He desires that we offer all of us to Him with a good attitude, and that is why God was against Cain but for Able.  

              And his countenance fell,

              “So the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?”

And listen to what God says to him;

“If you do well, will you not be accepted?”

In other words, will you not be a man of God?  Will you not be blessed by GOD if you do well?  And God says to him;

“And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door.  And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” 

              God gave Cain the option to choose good or evil and if he chose good he would be blessed and if he chose evil he would be cursed, and as we know Cain chose evil, he did not overcome and rule over his sin that was coming up in his heart and God cursed him. 

              If you look at verse 10 God says to Cain; “What have you done?  The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground.”  

              So then God says;

“So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.”

              And these curses fall upon Cain for murdering his brother.  It wasn’t that God just predestined Cain for doing evil things and then to condemn him to hell.  Jesus does not condemn anyone to hell just because they were born one way or the other.  But every single one of us have to BE BORN AGAIN AND WE HAVE TO OVERCOME!  And when sin knocks at your door it is then you have a choice, will you choose that sin that is inside your heart?  Or will you REBUKE IT and CAST OUT THOSE DEMONS that are crouching at your door.  Cain did NOT overcome.  But sin overcame him, he let it rule over him and then he was destroyed.  But those of us who want to overcome, we have to push through into the Kingdom of God, we have to deny ourselves daily, we have to deny our flesh, and then we have to push forward into the Kingdom of God.  

              This idea that we are just “once saved always saved” because we said a prayer, and that now we are going to heaven is one of the biggest lies in church.  It’s very hypocritical because they believe that THEY are saved because they belong to their church or they’ve been born in a Christian home.  They think that if you turn away from God that you were never saved from the beginning… But all throughout Scripture we hear about men and women who had the opportunity before GOD to be saved and either they harkened to the calling and were saved because they stayed in the LORD to the end, or they turned away from their calling and they were cursed by GOD because they rejected to do WHAT WAS RIGHT. 

              We really need to overcome temptation and if we do the Lord will bless us.  He will help us, but if we don’t overcome it will be major problems for us, and those sins will be passed down to our family and our generation becomes cursed.  As for me, and my family I want to dedicate every single breath, every single day of my life to the LORD so that I can be used for His purpose.  I want to OVERCOME IN THE NAME OF JESUS and the only way to overcome is to keep ourselves humble, pure before the LORD every single day, just bowing in prayer and asking the LORD to fill us with His Holy Spirit, asking to have on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD and then going about our day in complete humility and righteousness.  

If one day we wake up and we forge to overcome, if we forget to push off the desires of the flesh, that is the prime time to satan to overcome us and once we start to fall, then satan stats to say “you’re worthless, you might as well go completely into the world… don’t even try to live righteously… everyone’s a sinner…”  and once you get beaten down, if you don’t get back up, if you don’t start walking with the Lord in purity again, then satan will just destroy your entire life.  And that is where a lot of Christians are because they have been depleted, they have allowed satan into their heart and basically they have become like Cain.  And now they just think that GOD is cursing them and they are not even sure why, BUT THE REASON IS DUE TO SIN. 

 It’s not just do to past generational curses, it’s not just due to God predestining someone, but it has to do with our CHOICES.  Remember that God told Cain; “IF YOU DO WELL, WILL YOU N OT BE ACCEPTED?  AND IF YOU DO NOT DO WELL, SIN LIES AT THE DOOR.  AND ITS DESIRE IS FOR YOU, BUT YOU SHOULD RULE OVER IT.”  If Cain ruled over his sin he would have been a man of God and God would have blessed Him.  God did not curse Him for just being a man of God (as his mother called him “a man from the LORD”) Of course not.  Rather he was cursed when he turned away from his calling to be a man of God and chose EVIL.  Likewise, WE have to choose truth over error.  We have to choose light over darkness and GOOD over evil.  Will you choose to go with Jesus today in righteousness?  Or will you choose to go the way of Cain, the way of the lusts of the flesh and anger and hatred and murder which lead to DEATH?  May the grace of Jesus be with you.  
