新生命历程:对世人太好是与他们妥协(WarningThePeople)Being too kind to Worldly People is Compromise

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8hpGCenRDY

2022年6月29日 warningthepeople



我想跟你分享一个具体的例子。我和妻子曾经在一对印第安夫妻经营的酒店工作。当时有一个印第安家庭住在酒店里。他们常常做印第安食物。他们也给我和妻子做了许多好吃的。但是过了一段时间,我们注意到他们会把食物拿去祭祀他们的偶像,他们一直都在后面拜偶像。我们对他们拿去祭祀偶像后又拿来给我们吃的这些食物感到不平安。我们想为耶稣基督做见证,所以有一天这位叫Harsha的女士带了亲手制作的食物给我的妻子,我们也知道她们已经拿去祭祀过她的偶像了,我的妻子必须对他们说不。这对我的妻子来说有些尴尬,并不是为真理感到尴尬,而是因为Harsha是一位朋友,但我们需要为耶稣站出来。对她说“不”是一件很难的事情。但是我们不想吃已经祭献过偶像的食物,假装我们也敬拜他们的偶像。我的妻子想让她知道这个,于是告诉她, 她带给我们的食物是非常棒的,但是我们敬拜的是不同的神。我们跟随的是耶稣基督,我们不想要吃你这些已经祭献过偶像的食物。几年后也有同样的事情发生。当时另外一对印第安夫妻正在搬家,他们想让我帮忙搬走他们在卧室里面敬拜的偶像。我已经认识他们好多年了,他们也给予我们家庭很多的帮助。这时候要对他们说不确实有些尴尬,说我不能碰你们的偶像,作为耶稣的门徒,我也不能用拖车把你们的偶像运过去。以前也发生过同样的事情,那时候有人想让我帮忙搬家,他们请我帮忙搬走他们的一个大平板电视机。我告诉他们说不行,我不能这样做,虽然我想帮你们,但是因为我跟随耶稣,我不会碰别人的电视机,因为电视是偶像崇拜。我这样回答之后他们都会非常难过。






Being too Kind to Worldly People is Compromise I got an email yesterday from someone asking if I could make a message on the problem of being too nice to worldly people, and what she meant by this is, not being able to say “NO” to someone when you know that, say for example they have worldly children that may corrupt your children, but they want you to baby sit them, and it’s hard to say no to them, because you are trying to show the kindness of Jesus to them.  We have to really get good at letting our yes be yes and our no be no.  I want to share with you a certain example:  When my wife and I worked at the hotel, it was owned by an Indian couple, and there was an Indian family was living at the hotel.  And they often made Indian food there, and they did a lot of really nice things for my wife and for me.  But we noticed after a while that they were offering the food to their idols.  They would always be worshiping their idols in the back, and we didn’t feel comfortable with this food that was offered to the idols and then brought to us to eat.  And we wanted to be a good testimony to them about Jesus Christ.  So one day, this Indian lady, whose name was Harsha brought food to my wife, that she had homemade, but we knew that in the back she had offered it to her idols, and my wife had to hell her “no”.  And it was kind of embarrassing (socially awkward), not because she is embarrassed of the truth, but because as a friend of Harsha, and because obviously we want to stand up for Jesus, it was a hard thing to tell her no.  But we don’t want to eat food that has been offered to idols or pretend we worship those idols also.  So, my wife had to learn to let her no be no and tell her that, that’s a nice thing you are doing to offer us food, but we worship a different God, we follow Jesus and we don’t feel comfortable eating your food that’s been offered to an idol.  Likewise, at a different time a few years later, a different couple that was Indian, they were moving and they wanted me to help them move the gods that they would worship in their living room.  And I knew the people for many years, and they had done many things for my family, and it was awkward for me to tell them; “No I can’t touch your gods…”  But at the same time as a disciple of Jesus, I’m not going to help trailer someone’s Indian gods around, when I follow Jesus Christ.  This same thing has happened to me also when someone has wanted to move and they have asked me if I will help move their TV, help them move their big flat screen, I just tell them no, I don’t… you know I want to be helpful to you, but I don’t touch people’s TV’s because I follow Jesus and TV is idolatry.  So, this can make people REALLY UPSET guys.  But we have to, as Christians learn to let our YES be YES and our NO be No, and we need to learn to stand up for the truth and we have to have a backbone, standing up against idolatry and things that we know are crooked.  That doesn’t mean that it’s not going to be awkward or people’s feelings aren’t going to be hurt, but we absolutory have to learn to have a backbone to say YES when we need to say YES and say NO when we need to say NO.  And stand UP for the truth of Jesus ALL THE TIME.  A lot of times this will make things socially awkward of course, but our faith in Jesus is MUCH more important.  So, I hope that we learn to really take a stand with Jesus Christ, no matter if it is socially awkward or if it’s going to make people upset, because at the end of the day, it is JESUS CHRIST and HIS salvation that is going to save us, not if we don’t miss a beat in the world.  We’re going to miss a beat in the world guys, people are going to think that we are awkward, they aren’t going to like us, they’re going to downright hate us sometimes for being in the truth with Jesus.  BUT it is JESUS CHRIST who saves us, not the world, not worldly people, and we have to learn to just STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT ALL THE TIME.  I hope this helps someone out there to be encouraged to stand up for the truth and to be a light to the world, to your neighbors, whoever is around you, to really come into the truth and follow Jesus Christ, because HE is our savior, He is the one who loves us and He is the ONLY one who can offer us everlasting life.  So, we shouldn’t be ashamed to stand in the truth with HIM!  May the grace of Jesus be with you. 
