Transcript: The Spiritual Battle Is Won By Communion With God (WarningThePeople)


2021年8月25日 live streamed by Warningthepeople

A couple important things that the Lord has been putting on my heart the last few days. One is that we have to stay in communion with God, and that only happens when we are actually eating Jesus' flesh and drinking his blood, when we are hearing from the living God, and he is in communication with us, very few people know what it means to take communion and to be in communion with God. They know what it means to be in communication with Satan and with fellow people. They know what it means to take communion in the Catholic Church or in the Protestant Church. But they don't know what communion really is. They don't know what it means to be eating Jesus' flesh and drinking his blood. Ironically, though, any sport athlete knows what it means to be eating and drinking their sport or their hobby. They know if you want to go pro at basketball, you need to be basically sweating, drinking and eating basketball. That analogy makes sense to them, but they don't know what it means to have Jesus pumping through their veins. Even Christians think that being in communion with God just means to going just means going to church, occasionally, reading the Bible, occasionally praying, getting into fellowship groups with other Christians. But as soon as they are not around other Christians, or people that want to pray, they fall out of communication with God, because they never really were in communication with Him in the first place.

Being in communication with God and having communion with Him means that you are always connected to the spirit of life. He is working through you, speaking through you. He is your teacher, your leader. You wake up praying to him throughout the day. You're in communication with him. You're hearing from him all the time. He's speaking to you new revelation all the time, because he's alive, and you are his son, or you are his daughter. If you're not in communication with God and eating his flesh and drinking his blood, then you cannot be led into everlasting life without knowing the words of Jesus in your soul. There is no way you're going to reach everlasting life, because those words come only through Jesus.

Jesus Christ is the living word of God, not the Bible, not the pastor's interpretation, not the communion that happens in church. We have to feast on Jesus' flesh, and we have to drink his blood. And that only happens when you yourself have a real and genuine prayer life. Do you have a prayer life? Are you praying and seeking the Lord? Are you hearing back from him? Many people pray, but few are really hearing back from the Lord. They're hearing back from other people. And they're hearing back from their minds, their own interpretations of the scripture. But few people have clear direction from the Lord. You know, Abraham had clear direction from the Lord. And he did not have a Bible. He did not have the law or the prophets or the Torah. But Abraham had faith. People have mocked me in my family before because we have faith. They will say things like, you think that you're in the same place Abraham was. You think you can hear God like Abraham? And then they go on to say that Abraham had faith because he lived before the law and the prophets in the Bible. And then they go on to say that was in Bible times, but now God has changed, and now we have the Bible, the scriptures, we have church, and we have the pastor.

But the truth is, nothing has changed with God since Abraham, since the beginning of time, with Adam and Eve, God wanted a relationship with his creation, and the greatest of all his creation was men and women that he created in his image. And the Lord walked with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. He wanted a relationship with his creation from the very beginning of time. But people started to hide from God. They rejected him. They became ashamed of their sins, and so they hid themselves. And then they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. And because people ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and not from the tree of life, they left their 1st love. They left the Lord, their God, and they went to the way of the evil one, the Serpent. This same parable that we read about in Genesis is still happening today.

Instead of people going to God for life, eating his flesh and drinking his blood and being commune in communion with God, as Adam and Eve should have been in the Garden of Eden, they're going to the tree of knowledge. They seek for knowledge on the Internet. They seek for knowledge in the Bible. But they refuse to come to Jesus Christ, eat his flesh and drink his blood, that they may have life.

The second thing the Lord has been showing me is how much we need to have on the full armor of God in order to resist Satan. You know, people today think that they're really under the impression that if they have a gun and provision in this world, then they're going to be able to ward off Satan. They think that they're going to be able to overcome these end times if they have a gun, if they have a stockpile of food or gas. But it's pretty ironic when gas starts to be short and people try to fill up on gas, they end up burning down their vehicles. They end up with all kinds of havoc because they were trying to store up for themselves.

It reminds me when  the nation of Israel, when they were wandering in the wilderness, you remember how God was providing them with manna. And God told them that six days they could collect this manna, and on the 7th day, that they should rest and not collect the manna. But what did they do? They wanted to hoard for themselves. So they went out and they were trying to stockpile, they were trying to stockpile that manna from heaven, or later that quail. And what happened to those people that were trying to collect on the day that the Lord told them not to collect? On that day, all their manna started to wrought and grew mould, and God rebuked his children for trying to stockpile.

The Lord, our God, does not want us to be stockpiling and putting all of our efforts in the arm of the flesh like the people of this world. He wants us to be living day by day upon faith. And then if the Lord asks us to save up money for something like how he told, how are he told Joseph, then we will stock up with The Lord has a stock up. But if people have told you to do it and it hasn't come from the Lord, then you have to be leary, because many people are just putting all of their faith in their flesh, in their stockpile in their guns.

But I want to read to you what the Lord does call us to do. And this is recorded in Ephesians Chapter six. The apostle Paul writes, put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day. And having done all to stand, stand therefore having your loin skirt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching there unto with the perseverance in the supplication for all saints.

 Guys, the sort of, this spirit, that is the word of God is not our Bibles. The sort of the spirit is the spirit of life, the spirit of God that is alive and works through his children. You cannot receive the sort of the spirit by just picking up the Bible. You have to receive the sort of the spirit by praying and receiving communion with God. And when the living God is speaking to you the words of life, then the sort of the spirit will be with you, and you will be able to speak, and no one will be able to quench out what you are saying, because it is the words of life. The devil has taken the tongue of many pastors and many Christians in almost every single church, and they still think that they are carrying the sort of the spirit, because they're carrying their Bible. But Satan has duped them and deceived them. They have no power to overcome sin, even though they have the Bible, even though they are speaking words that Jesus spoke. They have no power to overcome because they don't have on the full armor of God. They don't have this sort of the spirit. They don't have the shield of faith or the helmet of salvation. They have no communion with God.

 But if you want to overcome, if you want to have communion with God, you have to daily be eating Jesus' flesh, drinking his blood, and putting on the full armour of God. We have to know that this battle is not against flesh and blood, like how people think. You're not going to be able to overcome demon-possessed people and the demon-possessed emperors and kings and kingdoms of this world by having guns and weapons and provision of the world, the only way is to daily deny yourself, lose yourself for the sake of the Gospel and the truth of Jesus Christ. Receive the words of Jesus in your heart, and then Jesus Christ Himself will sustain you. He will give you what you need to overcome, and the sort of the spirit will be with you.

But you don't have the truth, you don't have the words of life, and you don't have the full armor of God on if you are just storing up for yourselves the manna of this world, how the nation of Israel did when they were walking around in the wilderness. What you need is a true revelation from God. So the question is, are you really in communion with God? Are you hearing him? Is the Manna coming to you, to your soul, into your heart? Because you are in daily communication with God. Is your prayer life real, and is it active? Make sure that you're just praying and saying, Lord, give me today my daily bread. Feed me spiritually. Let me truly be seeking first Your kingdom and your righteousness, because without you I am nothing.

You know, people are trying to secure their own lives in this world. They're hustling to make money. They're hustling to protect themselves and their family. They're scared of what's going to happen. They see all the signs of the times, and they see the words written on the wall. But remember that God is the one who wrote the words on the wall and who cursed that kingdom. If you see the writing on the wall, you need to cry out to the living God and say, protect me from evil. Give me the power to overcome Satan and the demons who are trying to destroy my soul. Humble yourself before the Lord, and if you draw close to God, he will draw close to you and protect you and your family. But if you're doing things that are worldly, and if you're allowing Satan into your life, into the life of your children and your family, then you have no protection. No matter if you have a gun and a stockpile of food and everything else that you think that you need in this world, everything you have can be stripped away from you in 1 hour.

Will you seek the true provision and protection that comes from the Lord Jesus? Or will you seek after the things the world has to offer, the things that are all coming to an end? I hope that you consider what it means to eat Jesus' flesh and to drink his blood, and a truly have communion with God. May the grace of Jesus be with you. 
