多数人认为自己已得救,却是迷失的(finalcall07)Most THINK they are SAVED but are LOST


2013年10月12日 finalcall07


信的人中只有极少数能得救。有一个人问他说:“主啊,得救的人少吗?” 耶稣对众人说:“你们要努力进窄门。我告诉你们,将来有许多人想要进去,却是不能。 (路加福音 13:23-24 和合本)不是每个对耶稣基督说 "主啊,主啊 "的人都能进入天国,只有那些顺服他,遵行他的旨意的人才能进去。

大多数去教会的信徒对真理免疫。他们生活在虚假的安全感中,因为他们相信谎言。 他们没有与耶稣建立关系。他们不顺服他。他们没有生活在圣洁和公义中。他们中的大多数人从未接受过水的洗礼,但他们仍然认为自己得救了,因为他们相信别人告诉他们的谎言。如果你没有日日跟随耶稣基督,每天生活只求他的喜悦,并一直寻求他,你就没有机会进入天国,你就没有机会获得永生。




Most people who profess to be Christians believe that they will have eternal life when they die but they are only deceived because MOST BELIEVERS WILL PERISH. It is only those believers who FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus Christ, who OBEY His words as also written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, it is only they who who will have eternal life. Very FEW of those who believe will be saved. When asked whether those who are being saved are few Jesus Christ replied:"STRIVE to enter the straight gate because many I tell you, will strive hard and NOT BE ABLE." (Luke 13:23,24) Not everyone who says to Jesus Christ "Lord, Lord" will enter into the kingdom of heaven but only those who OBEY Him, who DO His will. Most church going and believing Christians are IMMUNE to the truth. They are living in FALSE SECURITY because they believe lies. They do not have a relationship with Jesus. They do not OBEY Him. They are not living in holiness and in righteousness. Most of them have never been baptized in water but still they believe they are saved because they believe the lies that people have told them. If you do not DAILY follow Jesus Christ, DAILY live to please Him and SEEK Him all the time you DON'T HAVE A CHANCE of entering into the kingdom of heaven, you don't have a chance of eternal life. Eternal life is KNOWING, FOLLOWING and OBEYING Jesus Christ, living a life that is pleasing to Him, having HIS confirmation EVERY DAY that He is pleased with you. Do you REALLY KNOW and FOLLOW Jesus Christ? Or are you also deceived? Do you also THINK that you are saved? NOBODY IS SAVED YET. We have to endure until the very end. Only those who STAY WITH Jesus and who are pleasing to Him UNTIL THE END, only they will have eternal life. Are you striving hard to find the narrow gate? May Jesus bless you. WITNESS FOR JESUS! Visit me at: http://www.finalcall07.com email: finalcall07@gmail.com
