祷告系列:不住地祷告是自律(操练),不会自然而然发生( warningthepeople)Praying Without Ceasing is a Discipline, it Doesn't Happen Naturally

  原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/-IC9vrfiQK8

2012年12月8日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople


If you would like to message him, his email is warningthepeople1@gmail.com




           祷告是我们与神的联系方式。当我们祷告时,耶稣说; “你们若奉我的名求什么,我必成就。”(约翰福音 14:14 和合本) 耶稣教导我们,要直接向他祷告。当我们向耶稣祷告,向祂祈求什么时,这称为祷告;当我们聆听,当圣灵回应我们时,那是我们与又真又活的上帝的关系!


           主耶稣当然能对你的肉体的耳朵说话,他以前对很多人也这样做过,但大多数时候,因为圣灵是灵,会对你的灵说话。你与主耶稣的联系方式就是祷告。现在有些人想知道当保罗在信中写道: “不住地祷告……”这真的可能吗?这是可能的,当你强制自己,管教自己常常祷告时。这绝不会自然而然的发生。




Prayer is our connection with God Himself. When we pray Jesus says; "Ask anything in MY name and I will do it." We are told to pray straight to Jesus. When we pray to Jesus and when we ask Him something that is called prayer, and when we listen and when the Holy Spirit speaks back to us; that is a relationship with the LIVING GOD!

Most people will call you crazy if you pray and then you hear something back, but a REAL genuine relationship with Jesus is a TWO WAY relationship. You pray and you wait on the LORD, and Jesus speaks through His Holy Spirit back to your spirit. When you pray, HE can speak directly to your spirit, so when you pray listen with the ears of your conscience, listen with your spirit.

The Lord Jesus CAN speak to your physical ears and He's done that before with MANY people, but MOST of the time, because the Holy Spirit is SPIRIT, He will speak to your spirit. Your connection with the Lord Jesus is PRAYER. Now some people have wondered when Paul wrote to; "pray without ceasing..." IS that REALLY possible? And that is ONLY possible if you FORCE yourself, if you discipline yourself to always be in prayer. It will NEVER happen naturally.

Prayer is a discipline and we have to choose to force our flesh to be under the submission of the Holy Spirit. And if we don't put our flesh down and put to DEATH our flesh, and come into the submission of the Holy Spirit, then there is NO WAY we can EVER pray continually. It is a discipline that takes TIME. And if you don't discipline your mind to be in prayer to Jesus, but if you just let your mind wander and you don't take your thoughts captive, then naturally your mind will be thinking whatever your mind chooses to think of. You will be daydreaming, and when you go to bed at night you will have whatever kind of (fleshly) dream you have at night. But if you choose to pray in the spirit and to continually pray, then the Holy Spirit starts to intercede for you, and it will even happen that if you pray and you fall asleep while you're praying, as you're going to bed your spirit will continue to pray, and then you wake up and you're still in a state of prayer, and then you continue to pray in the spirit throughout your day, you pray continually.

But see this will not EVER happen naturally. Naturally we want to live in the flesh, naturally we want to think about whatever is right in front of us. We want to think in the carnal, we want to think in the fleshly. You have to FORCE yourself under the submission of the Holy Spirit if you want to be in a state of pray and to pray continually. Do you want to be in that connection with Jesus where you can daily hear Him, day and night? Where you're praying continually? Or do you just want to be living in your fleshly state?

Because if you are living just in the flesh, but you don't have that connection with Jesus, then you have NO POWER in the SPIRIT. You have no power to overcome sin or temptation. When the devil comes against you, he will cause you to fall into temptation and you'll sin. But if truly you are abiding in the Spirit, if you are connected to JESUS, abiding in HIM then you CAN'T sin. May the grace of Jesus be with you.
