悔改系列:上帝爱过所有地狱的灵魂(warningthepeople)Every Soul in HELL God Loved

Every Soul in HELL God Loved


原视频 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdSCtF7gRYc&list=PL0030nkdOMzprFXQrCvU-ZWG5l2G5lcY1



我注意到许多人只接受上帝是爱,(如果你讲这些,)他们不会觉得被冒犯。如果你在街头大喊“耶稣爱你,上帝爱你”,没有人觉得被冒犯。但真实的情况是这样,许多的人去了地狱,而且实际上,上帝爱过地狱里的每一个人。但是上帝的爱并不会让那些悖逆的人、犯罪的人免遭地狱之火。人们说:“那不是真的,上帝爱我们,他爱我们,他不会把我们送到地狱去的。” 所以,你是认为上帝仇恨那些在地狱里的人吗?

耶稣爱过每一个在地狱里的人,他爱过他们的灵魂。但是他们拒绝了他。你仔细想一下,因为全世界都接受上帝是爱,但是他们却不爱上帝。他们说,“慈爱的上帝是不会把任何人送进地狱的。”那地狱为什么存在? 你为什么会认为有些基督徒在地狱?上帝爱过他们,而且也一直爱他们。但是这不会阻止他把你们送进地狱,如果你没有真正悔改的话。因为福音不仅仅是上帝的爱、恩典和怜悯。福音也是上帝的审判和忿怒。我们要查看自己有没有真正的悔改,因为没有真正的义,没有人可以见到上帝。这就是耶稣为什么来到地球上,来为我们的罪付上代价。他为我们打开了道路,但除非我们悔改,真正的相信他,否则我们不会得救。




Every Soul in HELL God Loved When I first started preaching Jesus for real, telling people that hell is real, they have to repent, just sharing the things that Jesus put on my heart, I remember one of my friends came and he said, “I fear for you because it seems like you are just becoming one of those hate preachers, those guys out on the street that are just preaching hell, fire and brimstone…” What I notice is a lot of people, they accept that God is love, that doesn’t offend them, it’s not going to offend anyone to shout on the street, “Jesus loves you, God loves you!” But here’s the thing: Many people (are in hell) and in fact every single person that is in hell GOD LOVES. But God’s love does not stop Him from sending people to hell that are rebellious, that have sin in their life. People say; “Well that’s not true, God loves us and if He loves us He wouldn’t send us to hell…” Well, do you think He hates people that are in HELL? Every single person that is in hell JESUS LOVED, He LOVED their soul! BUT THEY REJECTED HIM. Think about that for a moment because the entire world accepts that God is love, BUT THEY DON’T LOVE HIM BACK. They say; “A loving God won’t send anyone to hell…” Well, WHY do you think HELL exists? Why do you think Christians are in hell? God loves them, HE STILL LOVES THEM, but that will NOT stop Him from sending you to hell IF YOU DO NOT TRULY REPENT, because the gospel isn’t just God’s love and grace and mercy, but is also God’s judgment and His wrath. We need to make sure that we truly repent because without real righteousness NO ONE IS GOING TO SEE GOD. That’s why Jesus had to come to this earth and make atonement for our sins. He made the WAY for us, but UNLESS WE REPENT and put our faith In HIM we will by no means be saved. People say; “Well, Jesus did it ALL! You know God sent His Son, He died on the cross… therefore I don’t have to do ANYTHING but believe…” That’s NOT the gospel. That is the fake EASY GRACE GOSPEL. You have to DO SOMETHING. You have to truly repent, you have to have faith. Because without faith it is impossible to please God. And your faith is shown by your actions and your words. If you say you have faith but your doing things that are worldly, the lusts of the flesh, things that are sinful, it proves that you don’t have real faith. Jesus has made the way through His blood, through His death, through His resurrection, all of that is true, BUT it is now YOUR CHOICE AND FULLY YOUR DECISION if you will come OUT of the world, if you will repent of your sins, if you will do a 180, turn your back on the old way of life and let Jesus purify you of all your unrighteousness. Don’t believe the FAKE EASY GRACE GOSPEL LIE that says, “God is love, He won’t send you to hell…” That is the devil’s gospel. The truth is, MANY people are in hell and in fact ALL OF THEM that are in HELL, God loves. But He still sent them to hell because they never truly repented, they were rebellious. Will you believe the true gospel and reconcile with your Creator today? Will you get SIN out of your life? Will you let Him purify you? Or will you buy the easy grace gospel lie and will you walk yourself to hell?
