真相:人都会死(warningthepeople)Death is Sure

 Death is Sure





Time keeps on ticking forward and one thing that is for sure is that your physical body is going to die.  It doesn’t matter how much science makes advances, you are going to grow old, your physical body is going to die and you are going to be buried in the ground.  Will your life have mattered, will it have counted?  Will you have done the things that really mattered in this life?  Many people never figure out what it means to live, they don’t know that the meaning of life is to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, to love their neighbor as themselves.  They don’t know what it means to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.  They don’t know what it means to bear good fruit, and many of them will NEVER care even if they DO figure out the meaning of life.  But for those of us that care to enter the kingdom of God, because we have the love of our Father in our heart, we need to seek Frist the kingdom of God and His righteousness in ALL that we do, seek to please HIM.  We need to bear good fruit, we need to start our day with prayer, with diligently asking our LORD what we can do to please Him and honor Him with our life.  Is our life in order, are we seeking to please Jesus, our Father in heaven with all of our heart?  Or are we going after the things of MEN?  May the grace of Jesus be with you. 
