悔改系列:不要听从陌生人( warningthepeople) Don't Listen to Strangers

 Don't Listen to Strangers


原视频 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYna5siXIu0

2022年5月30日 warningthepeople


如果我们这么做,很多人会非常生气。因为撒旦利用人来控制我们,操控我们,并把我们引向地狱。你不想开启那些毫无结果的谈话或争议时,人们会非常的愤怒和失望。当我选择开始跟随耶稣时,我选择拒绝听人们一起向我说的话。许多的人仅仅是劝说你放弃你的信心。他们对你是不怀好意。正如保罗写的,那些人热心待你们,却不是好意, (加4:17)他们想把你重新拉回他们的宗教和他们的信仰中。


In John chapter 10 Jesus says that His sheep, they hear His voice, that they listen to Him and they follow Him and that they will by no means follow a stranger.  Following Jesus is about making HIM our ONLY Teacher, NOT making a bunch of other people our teacher, not going to men for the answers.  But when we receive the Holy Spirit and make Jesus our ONLY Teacher, we constantly go back to HIM, we ask HIM our questions, we ask HIM for guidance, we go to HIM for answers and we ONLY take our direction from the Holy Spirit.  If we do this however, it will make people very VERY mad.  Satan uses people to control us, to manipulate us and to guide us to HELL.  Expect that people will be angry with you and upset when you don’t want to open a conversation or dialogue that will NOT be fruitful.  When I chose to start following Jesus I chose to STOP listening to what people say all together.  A lot of people will just try to persuade you away from your faith.  They DON’T have good intentions for you.  As the Apostle Paul wrote; “They zealously court you, but not for good… (Galatians 4:17) they want to draw you back to their religion and THEIR belief.  But following Jesus is NOT about being cordial, that is you accepting their religion, the excepting your religion… Following Jesus is about rejecting ALL things that are NOT true, to receive the One that IS TRUE!  Of course we are respectful to people, but we don’t listen to what they are saying, we HEAR what they are saying, but we are ONLY LISTENING TO THE GOOD SHEPHERD!  Are we listening and obeying to Jesus Christ ALONE?  Or are we letting the agents of Satan manipulate us, control us and persuade us to go the wrong way, off of the path that the Holy Spirit has for us?  I encourage you to REPENT OF LISTENING TO STRANGERS!  Follow and obey Jesus and NEVER AGAIN listen to a stranger.
