Everybody ignores Jesus - Prophecy 21, 2008 -finalcall07

Source: https://youtu.be/GfSVOqmv3Qc

Everybody ignores Jesus - Prophecy 21, 2008 

I want to share with you the Lord Jesus spoke to me this morning. And I had a vision of it: everybody ignores Jesus. The Lord Jesus said to me that He is as desolate, as neglected, as pushed out, as ignored from society as He was when He walked this earth 2000 years ago. People only wanted His healings, they wanted the bread that He multiplied, but they didn't want Jesus. As soon as He said, “follow me”, they turned around and they walked away. Today is exactly the same. People want His salvation, but nobody, nobody is talking to Jesus. I saw a vision of our Lord and He was sitting and He was staring intently. His eyes were dark, sad. He said to me He is lonely. Nobody is talking to Him, not even the Christians. They don't have the time to spend time with Jesus. They're too busy. They are too occupied. They don't know Him. Jesus says, they don't talk to Him, they don't listen to Him. They're busy with all kinds of things. They're ignoring Him. He wants to come but He can't come because people don't know Jesus. People say they are saved. They've got no relationship with Jesus. They spend hours in front of the tea. They have appointments for church and appointments for bible study, and they read books and they watch TV programs, but not one minute with Jesus. The minute they spend with Jesus is the quick one if they remember before they get into bed. Nobody listens to Jesus. Jesus is all on His own. He is being refused, neglected, pushed out. And you know what? He's the King of Kings and he's the Lord of Lords and he's coming, and if you don't have a relationship with Him, you're going to hell, my friend. You know why? If you don't love Jesus, you won't go into His Kingdom.

His face is sad. People don't know Jesus. The church doesn't know Jesus. Those people who are supposed to know Him don't know Him, exactly the same as 2000 years ago. He said to the Pharisees, to the Scribes, He said, “you search the scriptures because in there you hope to find eternal life. And here I am, and you won't come to me”, exactly the same today. People are worried about their books and their famous preachers. God abhors that. There is no man that died for us, just Jesus Christ. Why are people glorified? Is this TV preacher and that TV preacher and that sanctified person that died 200 years ago or 100 years ago? And Jesus is denied. Everybody is about D.L. Moody and this Moody and that guy and that TV preacher, but nothing about Jesus. We're not sanctified, we are stupid. We are ignoring Jesus. He said in Revelation 3:20, “I stand at the door and I knock. And if anybody will open, I will come in and I will sup with him. I will have time with him.” Jesus will reveal Himself to you. You know what, we don't want to hear Jesus. And you know what? He will also deny us.

If we don't want to spend time with Jesus, we are fooling ourselves. You are not saved. We are only saved if we stay close to Jesus. He is the one who speaks to the father for us. He is our lawyer; He is the one who presents His prior to the father. If you're not preparing yourself for Jesus, if you don't have a relationship with Him, you won't see heaven, my friend, neither will I. I’ve got to spend time in prayer. I’ve got to listen to what He has got to say. Because let me tell you, he's got a lot to say. He says those who are guided by the spirit of God are children of God. We are not interested in Jesus. We don't want to hear what He says. We're so engulfed in ourselves. Let me tell you, not 1% of Christians know the voice of Jesus. And you know why? Because they don't want it. They're not interested. They kick Jesus out. Each is doing his own thing. They're not interested. It is sad. It is sad. If Jesus speaks to someone, he will say “it's not written in the bible”. Who do we think we are? In the end, we're going to be fools. That's what we're going to be, nothing else. I want to read from Luke 13:23. 23 And someone said to Him, “Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?” And He said to them, 24 “Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. 25 Once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying, ‘Lord, open up to us!’ then He will answer and say to you, ‘I do not know where you are from.’ 26 Then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets’; 27 and He will say, ‘I tell you, I do not know where you are from; depart from Me, all you evildoers.’

You know what? People, we are so crude and stupid. I continuously hear about people that cast out demons and they talk to the demons. You know what? People will talk to demons but they won't talk to Jesus Christ. They believe in the devil and they listen to the devil. But when Jesus Christ talks to them, they've got the audacity to doubt it. What are you believing? Books or Jesus Christ? If you don't know His voice, my friend, you won't go into heaven. He says my sheep know my voice and they follow me. There is no midway. I'm saying this out of the depth of my heart to you, “you're lost. You're going to hell. Jesus won't let you in.” I cry for my Christian brothers and sisters every night. You know why? Their eyes have been closed, their hearts have been hardened and they're rejecting Christ Himself. They cling to their salvation. You are not saved, man. And you've got a certificate that will never pay out, an insurance that is worth, not the paper it's written on. If you don't know Jesus Christ, if you don't have a living relationship with Him, you'll end up in hell, my friend. If you don't want to talk to Him now, if you don't want to hear His voice now, you never will. You can hate me for it, but I’m telling the truth. I hope you run to Jesus if you hate me for saying to you the truth. Because you need Jesus, my friend, you don't need me. You need a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Let me give you some good advice today. Do you want to hear the voice of the Lord? Do you want to be sure you are saved? Do you want to be sure? I'll tell you what you do. You take a break and you throw out your TV. You smash your tv. You take your books, and you burn them. You stop listening to all those people that tell you about your salvation. You take all those dead men’s books that you've got in your racks and all over your house, that soil, the whole place, you throw them away, you burn them, and you take your bible, and you go on your knees, and you say, “Lord Jesus, please speak to me, Lord, reveal yourself to me.” What you need, what I need, is the Holy Spirit inside of us, not anything in here. The stuff in here will keep us away from God. Because you know what? If Jesus speaks to you, you say, where is it written? Pharisees, Scribes, that is what we are, deceived. Let us get on our knees, I plead with you, please, speak to Jesus. Let us wake up, let us wait for His voice. Or is your God dead? 99.999% of Christians are dead, stillborn, not born again, stillborn, why? Because they don't know the voice of the master, and neither are they interested. You can hate me for this. I'm telling you the truth. Wake up! Go to seek Jesus. Get on your knees, let Him speak to you, then you'll get life in you. Then you'll have a stream of living water flowing through you. Then you'll have a burden for the world that's lost, because then you yourself won't be lost.

Because as long as you don't know the voice of Jesus Christ, my friend, you are lost! Don't justify your lukewarmness. Go on your knees, Seeking. And if you don't want to listen to me, switch me off! But get on your knees, speak to Jesus. Time is up. Jesus is sitting, waiting for you and me and we are vacillating, playing around. Let's repent, seek Jesus before it's too late. Time is running out. Please, I beg you, in Jesus’ name, be reconciled, go on your knees, let Him clean you inside and out. Learn His voice, be guided by His Holy Spirit, become a son of God. Not just be like a talker and he is deceiving himself and he's on his way to hell. Wake up! Repent! Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming soon! You're going to be left behind because you're too hard-headed to listen to Him. God bless you.
