Christians Supporting Satan(Finalcal07)

    The majority of professing Christians support the devil. Because they are building the kingdom of Satan. They are not busy with the Kingdom of God. They support everything that Satan does. The majority of Christians if you tell them to take their television out of their house and stop going to the movies, then they whine and they cry. My friend, as long as you love the TV,  you cannot love God. and I am telling you categorically today. you carry that machine into your house that one eyed God and you listen to it,  and that blasphemes God. It blasphemes God Almighty, and you sit there and you watch it.

You carry it into your house, you switch it on,  you use it as a baby sitter for your babies. And you say that you are a child of God and you love Jesus. You cannot deceive God, my friend.


    If you listen to that thing that is blaspheming God, then you are saying amen to Satan all the time, every time that they blaspheme.  People say they don't curse. BUT they allow that thing to curse in their homes. There are many Christians that say that they've got blasphemous thoughts. Where do you think it comes from, my friend. You've listen to it, you've absorbed it, you've drank it in like water. Now it's part of you you are a blasphemer against God, because you hate God and you love your television.


    There are Christians who are so sucked in by lust and the things of this world, why is it? It is coming in through their eyes because they are watching it. But they cannot spend half an hour in prayer with God. They've got no time for Jesus they have no testimony of Jesus Christ.


    Some of them read the Bible and they can tell you all things about the Bible, but they are stuck and lost in SIN. Because they are building the kingdom of this world, they are building the kingdom of Satan. My friend, if you as a Christian do not pay for that cable television, that supports Hollywood and all these companies that build the kingdom of Satan, then it won't exist, it won't grow but you are building it. The money that God is given you, you are using to build the kingdom of the devil. And you say that you love God. You want Jesus to welcome you into His Kingdom. What have you done for the Kingdom of God, my friend?


    I am not talking about the money that you gave to your pastor to build his kingdom for this world. I am talking about how many people did you testify to. How many brothers and sisters in need did you support? How did you care for the body of Christ, my friend, that is the question that Jesus will ask you, and how much did you pay for your cable television, and for going to the movies, and building the kingdom of Satan,  and for your x-box, and for the pleasures of your flesh, because you've got to have a holiday. I read about a pastor, he is on a sabbatical, he is for 5 years, he has worked himself to death. Can you belief it? Can you belief it? And then we want to go into Heaven, my friend, while we are building the kingdom of Satan. Let us REPENT, my friends. God sees our hearts. He knows what is going on inside of there.


    Where does your money go to? Where does your time go to my friend?

Does it go into testifying for Jesus Christ? Are you teaching your children about Jesus? Are you bringing your family to Christ? Do you testify to the world about Jesus? Do you spend time in prayer? or have you got time for your television for your soapies, for your x-box, for your favorite programs, for your hobbies but no time for Jesus Christ? Are you building the kingdom of this world my friend? You are so busy at work, you don't have time for the Kingdom of God, because a man's got to live. This isn't life, my friend, this is the end. The Kingdom of God is what matters.


    Where are your treasures my friend? Are you building the kingdom of Satan or are you building the Kingdom of God? Where is your heart my friend? Is it with Jesus Christ, have you got a burning desire to be with Him? Have you got a burning desire to testify for Jesus? When you see a person in the street, are you so worried about that person going to hell? or don't you care because that is where you are going yourself? You are just worried about the next entertainment, everything that you enjoy in life,  everything that you can rake into for yourself. And the money that you pay out for all those things. You are working yourself to death for that which cannot satisfyMy friend, is that you?


     Or do you have a burning desire for Jesus Christ? Are you spending every minute that you can for the Kingdom of God or just for your own pleasure? Are you building the Kingdom of God? Or are you building the kingdom of Satan my friend?

   May Jesus bless you.
