真相10:你不会在圣经中找到生命(warningthepeople)You Won’t Find Life in the Scriptures

You Won’t Find Life in the Scriptures


原视频 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGy23uWcNQ4&t=30


2022年5月26日 warningthepeople

        耶稣从来没有说过圣经能给我们带来生命,事实上,对于相信这一点的人们,也就是法利赛人和虔诚的犹太人,耶稣的教导却是恰恰相反。我读给你耶稣关于圣经是怎么说的,约翰福音第 5 章, 38-40 节:“ 你们并没有他的道存在心里;因为他所差来的,你们不信。 你们查考圣经,因你们以为内中有永生;给我作见证的就是这经。 然而,你们不肯到我这里来得生命。”

       看,许多基督徒,他们经常读圣经,他们说; “我们就像庇哩亚人,我们在查考圣经……”他们一直参加圣经学习,一直去教堂听讲道,他们认为如果他们越来越多地了解圣经,就变得越来越符合圣经,他们就会更接近真理。但他们拒绝来到耶稣基督面前。他们从未听过一句上帝对他们说的话,他们并不知道上帝的道,但他们称圣经为上帝的道,他们不断的读圣经,以为会在那里找到永生。

       如果你想认识耶稣基督,你必须有祷告的生活。你必须在心灵和诚实中寻求祂。你需要祈求: “主啊,打开我灵魂深处良心的耳朵,让我能听到你的声音。我想要以心灵和诚实敬拜你,让我谦卑来到到你面前,开我的眼睛让我能看见你……”

       但大多数基督徒都很骄傲,他们只是想证明他们比你更懂圣经,证明他们是更好的基督徒,更接近上帝,因为他们更了解圣经。但是要知道经文不会让你进入永生,你不会在经文中找到生命。你必须要找到生命的赐予者,你需要真正认识耶稣基督并接受圣灵。耶稣并没有应许圣经会带领我们和引导我们。读一读约翰福音 14-16 章,耶稣应许赐圣灵来引导我们,引导我们进入一切的真理。你领受圣灵了吗?或者像法利赛人一样,你认为你在经文中找到了生命?愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

You Won’t Find Life in the Scriptures

       Jesus never said that the scriptures bring us life, in fact to the crowd that believed that, which was the Pharisees and the religious Jews, Jesus said the exact opposite.  I want to read to you what Jesus did say about the scriptures in John chapter 5, I’m starting in verse 38-40; “But you do not have His word abiding in you, because whom He sent, Him you do not believe.  You search the Scriptures, for in them you THINK you have eternal life, and these are they which testify of Me.  But you are NOT willing to come to ME that you may have life.”  

       See, many Christians, they constantly go to the bible, they say; “We are like the Bereans, we are searching the scripture…”  They are always having bible study, always going to church listening to sermons, they think that if they get into the bible more and become more and more biblical they will be closer to the truth.  But they refuse to come to Jesus Christ.  They have never heard a word from God, they don’t know the Word of God, but they are calling their bible the Word of God and they are reading the scriptures all the time thinking that they are going to find life in there.  

       If you want to know Jesus Christ you have to have a prayer life.  You have to be seeking Him in spirit and in truth.  You have to be saying; “Lord, open the ears in the bottom of my soul of my conscience so that I can hear you.  I want to worship you in spirit and in truth, let me be humble before You, let me have eyes that see you…” 

        But most Christians are prideful, they just want to be able to prove that they know the bible more than you, prove that they are better Christians, closer to God because they know the scriptures.  But knowing the scriptures won’t get you into everlasting life, you will NOT find life in the scriptures.  

       YOU NEED TO FIND THE LIFE GIVER, you need to get to know JESUS CHRIST for real and receive the Holy Spirit.  Jesus did not promise the scriptures to lead us and guide us. Read John chapter 14-16, Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead us and to guide us into all truth. Have you received the Holy Spirit?  Or like the Pharisees, do you think that you are finding life in the scriptures?  May the grace of Jesus be with you. 
