新生命历程15:使人做主真正的门徒,而不是聊天和争论(warningthepeople)Make Serious Disciples not Conversation and Debate

原视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DACCFDZaZio

2022年5月29日 warningthepeople



       或者我们只是在网上,在街头,在我们生活中,为了找人聊天?确保你真的在跟随耶稣基督,听从。敞开心扉听陌生人说话是非常危险的。耶稣的羊,当听的声音,他们永远不会跟随或听陌生人的! (约翰福音 10:1-5,27) 你在听谁的?谁在引导你?你在顺服谁?愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Make Serious Disciples Not Conversation and Debate 

Following Jesus Christ is about making disciples, it is not about making conversation or opening yourself up to conversations.  I turned my comments off a year or so ago because too many people were just leaving inappropriate comments, trying to persuade others to a lie, and they just wanted to debate and cause confusion.  A lot of people just want to open a dialogue, they want to debate with you, and all they will do is try to confuse you. 

 If we make Jesus Christ our ONLY Teacher, WE ARE NOT OPEN TO DISCUSSION, we are not open to debate, we are ONLY here to bear GOOD FRUIT and make disciples who will actually FOLLOW AND OBEY JESUS CHRIST!  It’s not about making discussions, making arguments, making debates, it’s not about ANY of that.  Will we bear good fruit for Jesus Christ?  Are we living for His Kingdom?  

Or are we just out on the internet and out on the street, out in our life, just to make conversation?  Make sure that you’re really following Jesus Christ and ONLY listening to HIM.    It is VERY dangerous to open yourself up to listen to a stranger.  Jesus’s sheep, they hear HIS voice and they will NEVER follow or listen to a stranger! (John 10:1-5/27  Who do you listen to?  Who guides you?  And who do you OBEY?  May the grace of Jesus be with you. 
