主的羊听主的声音系列1:谁正在对你说话?耶稣还是撒旦?(Finalcall07)Who is speaking? Jesus or satan?


原视频 https://youtu.be/IdBe625yKCM

谁正在对你说话?耶稣还是撒旦?(Finalcall07)Who is speaking? Jesus or satan?

2011年10月13日 From: Jan Boshoff(finalcall07)  

神是灵,但撒旦也是灵,他的邪灵污鬼们也是灵,所以,当一个声音在你的灵里对你说话时,你怎么知道是谁在对你说话?上帝通过梦对人说话,我们在圣经中读到过,他通过梦对约瑟和其他的许多人说话,但撒旦也给人以梦。那么,你怎么知道这个梦是来自上帝,还是来自魔鬼呢?当魔鬼在旷野中引诱耶稣时,他引用了经文,但圣灵也会提醒你经文,他会说:“经上记着说”。那么你怎么知道谁在和你说话呢?亲爱的朋友们,耶稣说我的羊认识我的声音,他们也听从我。这取决于你正在听谁的。如果你的心是纯洁的,你寻求取悦耶稣,你就会听他说话,你会认识他的声音,你会知道声音从哪里来,梦从哪里来,如果你不知道,你会问他。上帝不会总是给你美​​好的梦,他不会总是告诉你美好的事情,但是当上帝的圣灵对你说话时,他会让你想起耶稣的话,他使你顺服耶稣。他教导你行出圣洁和公义,而不是追随你肉体的欲望。他会让你的注意力放在耶稣基督身上,而不是这个世界的事情上。他的羊,耶稣的羊,认识他的声音,因为他们寻求取悦他。他们心地清洁,他们不寻求满足自己的欲望,也不会想要摧毁他人,因为耶稣为所有的人献出了生命。他们里面有基督的爱,他们关心公义高于一切,他们只想得耶稣喜悦。亲爱的朋友,那些属于耶稣的人,想要得他的喜悦,他们认识他的声音,他们每时每刻都在听他说话。  但是那些爱自己和属肉体的事情的人,他们听从魔鬼的声音,他们总能找到经文来为自己的罪辩护。他们中有很多人在教会里,他们随身带着圣经,他们熟知圣经,魔鬼给了他们恰当的经文,为他们的罪辩护。 亲爱的朋友,如果你听从圣灵的话,你就会结出圣灵的果子。你会活出圣洁,你会像耶稣,你会做耶稣的事情。你不会爱这个世界,你不会效法这个世界。如果你不确定谁在对你说话,要祷告求问并请耶稣指示你,他会给你一个确定的答案。但首先要清洁你的心,并确保你真的想要取悦耶稣。因为那时他会一直大声而清晰地对你说话,你会认识他的声音,因为他的羊认识他的声音,他们听从他,因为他们只寻求得他的喜悦。愿耶稣祝福你。

Who is speaking? Jesus or satan?

 God is Spirit but satan is also spirit and his demons are also spirits, so when a voice speaks to you in your spirit, how do you know who is speaking to you?  God speaks to people through dreams, we've read about that in the Bible.  He spoke to Joseph and to many others through dreams, but satan also gives people dreams.  So how would you know whether the dream is from God or from the devil? When the devil tempted Jesus in the desert, he used Scripture but the Holy Spirit will also give you Scripture, He will say: it is written.  

So how would you know who is speaking to you?  Dear friends, Jesus said My sheep know My voice and they listen to Me.  It depends on who you are listening to.  If you are pure in heart and you seek to be pleasing to Jesus, you will be listening to Him, you will know His voice and you will know where the voice comes from, where the dream comes from and if you don't know you will ask Him.  

God will not always give you pleasant dreams, He will not always tell you nice things, but when the Holy Spirit of God speaks to you, He reminds you of the Words of Jesus.  He brings you into obedience to Jesus.  He teaches you holiness and righteousness, not the desires of your flesh.  He puts your focus on Jesus Christ and not on the things of this world.  His sheep, the sheep of Jesus, know His voice because they seek to please Him. They are pure in heart, they don't seek their own desires and they don't seek to destroy other people for whom Jesus died.  They've got the love of Christ in them and they care for righteousness above all else, they want to please Jesus.  Dear friends, those who belong to Jesus, want to please Him, they know His voice, they listen to Him all the time. 

But those who love themselves and the work of the flesh, they listen to the devil and they will also find a Scripture to justify their sins.  There are many of them in churches, they walk around with Bibles, they know the Bible very well and the devil gives them the right Scriptures, to justify their sins.

If you listen to the Holy Spirit dear friend, you will produce fruit of the Spirit.  You will be holy, you will be like Jesus, you will do the works of Jesus.  You will not love the world, you will not be conformed to this world.

If you are not sure who is speaking to you,  PRAY and ask Jesus to show you and He will confirm to you.  But cleanse your heart first friend and make sure that you truly want to please Jesus. Because then He will speak to you loud and clear all the time and you will know His voice because His sheep know His voice and they listen to Him because they only seek to please Him.  May Jesus bless you.

