教会骗局系列3:十一奉献的骗局(Warningthepeople)The Tithing Deception

 The Tithing Deception

原视频 https://youtu.be/Gnf7UopxfoQ










The Tithing Deception

Jesus Christ is NOT impressed with people who give 10%, He is NOT looking at your wallet, He is looking at your HEART! And those who serve Him must serve Him in spirit, they have to be connected to His Holy Spirit. Are you connected to the Spirit of God? Do you love HIM? Have you given Him your everything? If truly you have given Jesus your everything and if you are bowed before Him, you KNOW that Jesus is NOT looking for 10% out of your money wallet every Sunday. He's not looking for you to just support an organization to appease Him. That is all a deception.

The churches are deceiving many people to think that they have to give a 10% and somehow that will appease God. That is all a lie, it is a scam to get your money! If truly you want to please JESUS you GIVE HIM YOUR HEART and you ask HIM; "What do I do with the money I have?"

 You know, the poor widow, you can read about her in Mark chapter 12, she was NOT giving a 10% she was giving ALL she had to live on, and Jesus commended her. Now I have to believe, and you have to know that Jesus KNEW that that organization that that treasury she gave to was corrupt. You know, some hypocrite Pharisee would collect those 2 Mites from the poor widow and use it for his evil, but Jesus was looking at that widows HEART, and He commended her because she gave, not 10%, she gave ALL SHE HAD TO LIVE ON!

Is your heart REALLY for Jesus? Have you given Him, you know, this object right here, your wallet? Is all you have for the Lord Jesus? Or do you think that you are just appeasing God by giving 10% to an organization? You know if the Lord Jesus walked up to that poor widow after she had put in her 2 mites and if He told her; "I do not desire you any longer to put in your 2 mites into this treasury because it is corrupt..." Then that widow would be held accountable to that word. But that poor widow did NOT have this revelation from Jesus.

The Lord Jesus HAS revealed to me and to many other brothers and sisters that the church organization is corrupt. They are NOT using your money for the Kingdom of Heaven, for the Kingdom of God, and if you continue to give to them, you are wasting your money. It is actually SIN if you give to them KNOWING they are corrupt and knowing they are stealing your money. If the Lord Jesus reveals this to you then pull back your money and give your money where the Lord Jesus would have you give it. Maybe He would have you leave your job and give all your money to the poor, not to an organization but to the poor. Maybe He would have you go here or there and pay off your debt. I don't know, I am NOT the Holy Spirit.

BUT if the Lord Jesus has revealed to you that the churches today are corrupt, and they are just stealing money from the poor, then WHY would you continue to give to them? If you are listening to Jesus, then do as HE commands. He is looking at your heart, He is NOT looking at your wallet. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

