新生命历程1:不要拿自己和其他打造好人设的基督徒比较(Warningthepeople)Don’t Compare Yourself to Other Christians who Have it Made(待加中字)


2022年4月21日 Warningthepeople









Don’t Compare Yourself to Other Christians who Have it Made

One accusation that satan always brings against the true children of God is that they are not doing enough, he wants you to compare yourself to a theatrical preacher or a sensational pastor, or someone who has a huge church or a big ministry, and then say; “Look, they are doing great things for God, they are doing faith healings, preaching on the street, bringing a lot of people to the Lord, they have a huge following, but look at YOU, all you are doing is sitting at home doing nothing…”

But people flock to pastors and leaders who are sensational, who appear before MEN that they are godly, but the Lord Jesus is always looking at our heart, He is looking at the INSIDE of us to see if we are pure and holy.  In Jesus’s time it was the Pharisees that appeared that they were righteous before men, but Jesus said that they were like sepulcher, dead men’s bones on the inside, but white-washed on the outside.  They were like graves and spiritually they were completely dead, the Pharisees wanted nothing to do with the truth of God.  They loved their scriptures like many Christians do today, they loved their bibles, they loved the Law, they loved the 10 commandments, they thought that they loved the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but when Jesus came on the scene they rejected Him, they HATED Him because Jesus stood for the TRURH and they only stood for their own lies, their own hypocritical church system.  

Today there are a lot of pastors who appear that they have a lot going on for them, big followings, they’re biblical, a lot of people think that they are very intellectual so they follow them.  But on the inside they are not full of the Holy Spirit but they are full of death.  I encourage you not to chase after people who appear to be good on the outside, who appear that they have it all made.  

After all, at the end of the day it’s not going to matter if the person you are following was with Jesus or not, what’s going to matter is if YOU are hearing from the Holy Spirit for YOURSELF and obeying Him.  Jesus said that His sheep hear HIS voice and they obey Him, they will not follow a stranger.  

The question is, do YOU hear the Lord’s voice, are you one of His sheep, are you obeying Him?  Or are you following after strangers?  Following Jesus is not about just listening to sermons, listening to music, Christian music on the radio, listening to evangelicals preach on the TV or on Youtube.  It’s about you being separate from the world, YOU disconnecting from people who are ungodly, not being influenced by people who give you all the influences of the world.  It is about disconnecting from the world and being connected to the Spirit that will give you like, that is the Holy Spirit of the Living God!  

All of us know Acts 2:38; “Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”  All of us are called to receive the Holy Spirit, to be baptized and to be born again.  We know the gift or the Holy Spirit is for us and all of those who will receive Him.  But have you received the Holy Spirit?  Have you been baptized in water and have you received the gifts that come from the Holy Spirit so that you can edify Jesus’s church?  Or are you living selfishly?  Do you still have sin in your life, have you never truly been born again?

 I encourage you to seek a revelation from Jesus as Him to reach down into your life, to touch your heart, to change you, to make you new; to purify you from unrighteousness to give you your white garments ready for His wedding feast. Ask Him to purify you and make you ready to be an example for His Kingdom.  Live for Jesus with all of your heart and don’t be deceived by the lying prophets, the lying preachers and teachers, who are full of the sensations of this world.  Be separate and JESUS will receive you.  But be like those who are of this world chasing after men and you will find yourself following them to hell.  May the grace of Jesus be with you. 
