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Many years ago now I went down to my local bookstore and I picked up a Quran, which is the central religious text to those in Islam. I picked it up because I wanted to know what they believe. And I found by reading bits and parts of the Quran that every single group of people believe that their text is the truth, they believe that their religion is the way to get to God. They believe that their rules are the rules that get them to the top by following them and obeying them.

Before I knew Jesus as Lord of my own life I started to wonder, "How do I know that I'm not deceived?" I believed that those who followed the Quran are deceived, but those in the Qur'an call me the "people of the book" and they think that I am deceived by following the Christian Bible, "How do I know that my way is the right way?"

 I want to give you a testimony. When I started to pray and seek Jesus, when I was at a hard time in my life and I didn't know the right way, Jesus was the one that started to manifest Himself to me. I started to see Him in my dreams. My prayers were answered through Jesus Christ and I came to know God through Jesus Christ. Jesus manifested Himself to me and I came to know Him not because of the Christian scriptures but because Jesus became real to me. I have a real relationship with Him.

If you want to know the truth you have to work out your relationship with Jesus through prayer and fasting if necessary. Don't think that you can come to know the truth just by reading a religious text. So many Christians think that they know the truth because they know the Bible. But every single religious group thinks this because they have their religious texts, they study it, they think they have the truth because of it. But Jesus promises to manifest, which means to appear, or to reveal. He promises to manifest to those who love Him. Those who love Him will ask Him who He is. They will ask, "How do I know that you are the truth? How do I know that you are the way, that you give life?"

 Jesus promises that He is the way the truth and the life, that He is the only way to the Father. I know now that the Quran is false, it is a lie. But I don't know that from reading the Christian scripture, I know it because I've personally met Jesus. If you want a personal relationship with Jesus, if you want to know that you're saved, you really have to work on your prayer life. Anyone who has gotten really good at anything, let's say at a sport, they didn't get there just by natural talent even though they might have you believe that. They got there because they dedicated time and energy to it. Anyone that has a really good relationship with their spouse, they got there because they dedicated a whole lot of time and energy into that relationship.

And if you're going to know Jesus personally you have to dedicate time and energy to Jesus Christ. It doesn't happen just by reading the Bible countless hours. It doesn't happen by getting into a peer group, you know others who will encourage you in your faith like a church. It doesn't happen by finding wise mentors, by going on mission trips, to other parts of the world and expanding your mind.

Following Jesus and getting into a personal relationship happens when you start falling on your knees in prayer and asking Jesus, "Who are you? Who really are you? Reveal yourself to me! Show yourself to me!" It happens when you get dedicated to Jesus through prayer, and when you start hearing from Jesus, when He starts answering your prayers, you need to start obeying and acting upon what He told you to do. And when you start obeying that's when you start living on every single word that precedes from God. That's when you start eating His flesh and drinking His blood. You're no longer just reading the Bible and eating what other people have told you. But you are now believing the things that come from God, from the Holy Spirit. You're eating Jesus flesh by hearing from Him and drinking His blood by believing Him and doing what He's called you to do, even if it's extremely difficult.

So if you want to know that Jesus is the way to Salvation, and that Jesus will manifest Himself to you, what you need to do is start diligently praying. Don't let anyone tell you it's easy or happens overnight. Immediately Jesus will start to show you and teach you, but being able to discern Jesus' voice and being able to know the things of God happens throughout a continuous relationship with Jesus.

 The devil will come against you, he will try to make you think that you don't really have a relationship with God. You know, in my own personal walk with Jesus, I don't know how many times Satan has told me, “You don't really know Jesus, how do you know these other faiths don't know the truth?" Satan will come against me hard trying to distract me, to discourage me, accuse me pretending to be the Holy Spirit saying, “you don't really know God, your God doesn't really love you, you don't really know, you shouldn't be talking about Jesus, you don’t really know Him…”

But through all of these accusations from Satan, Jesus reveals Himself to me, He answers my prayers. I hear from Jesus when I pray. And I think to myself, through all these accusations even though Satan is saying, “Your Jesus doesn't love you”, I know Jesus DOES love me because He is answering my prayers. Why if Jesus hates me is He constantly loving me revealing Himself to me when I pray?

 Jesus is the Living God, He is alive, and when we obey Him He manifests Himself more to us and we grow in our relationship with Him. We are not saved by keeping certain practices like going to church or not eating certain foods or keeping a certain day such as Sabbath or trying to keep the Ten Commandments perfectly or reading the Bible or getting into a religious group. We are saved by knowing Jesus, by abiding in Him, by living on His revelations.

It doesn't matter what religion of the world you are what part of the world you are from, you need to get to know Jesus through prayer by fasting if necessary and dedicating your life to Him. And if you choose to really work on that relationship with Jesus, He will start speaking to you and you will know that He is real, you will know that He is the way, not because of the Christian Bible but because He has personally revealed, manifested Himself to you, He will show His way to you in such a way that will make such black-and-white sense to you. You will just know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is alive.

If you want this sort of relationship with Jesus knowing Him, it starts through prayer. Diligently seek Him on your knees, cry out to Him with all of your might, and through that way, through prayer and fasting if necessary He will be found. Are you diligent in your faith to pursue God? Or you like those who are just following a book? Who wonder in the back of their mind, “Which way is really the right way? Am I really on the right path or am I really deceived in reality?” If you want to know the truth, get to know the Way the Truth and the Life.

May the grace of Jesus be with you.
