



耶稣在约翰福音11章,第9-10节说,白日不是有十二小时吗?人在白日走路,就不至跌倒,因为看见这世上的光。若在黑夜走路,就必跌倒,因为他没有光。” 上帝给了我们可以悔改的时间,这被称作白日。这就是我们可以与神和好的时间,要做一个180度的大转弯,转离弃绝你的罪,离开那些让我们过一个不敬虔生活的人,离开那些让我们绊跌的人。当我们转离了这些邪恶的事情,我们才能转向主,才能全心全意地与主同行。 但许多人可能会永远错过机会。即使他们汗流浃背、血泪盈襟的去追寻真理,却进退无门了。要记住耶稣讲过的5个聪明和5个愚拙的童女的比喻。有5个预备了油,而另外5个却没有。她们10个都拿着灯。灯就代表的你是基督徒,或者你是在这个世界寻求真理的人。但是,你说你寻求真理、你说你相信上帝和圣经、你知道耶稣钉在十字架上,并不代表你灯里预备了油。你相信神,并不代表着你是一个被圣灵充满的信徒。 许多的基督徒并没有被圣灵的油充满,他们全心全意的过着自己的生活,满足着自己,他们错过了悔改的机会。他们错过了白日的十二个小时,突然间,他们发现他们自己就是那5个愚拙的童女,于是他们开始敲门说:“主啊,给我们开门!”。他们得到的答复却是:“我已经给过你们机会悔改,走开,现在门已经关了。” 当上帝把门关掉之后,你就再也没有机会进入了。你会对上帝说什么呢?在门关了之后,你可能会说什么呢?你无话可说。不管你怎样恳求,不管你怎样哭喊,上帝不会为之所动,不会再次开门让你进去。 现在就是你的机会!今天!今天如果你听到了主的声音,立刻向他呼求,悔改你的罪,承认你的罪。如果你还没有信主,要先悔改接受水的洗礼,然后等候圣灵的洗礼。给你的灯装满油,与耶稣基督同行,直到你生命的最终一刻。通过你的行为证明你是公义的,而不是只凭着你所说的。许多人只是用嘴唇相信福音,他们只是用口说他们是一个信徒,他们口唱着荣耀归于上帝,然而他们的行为却证明他们就是那愚拙的童女! 我们会成为光明之子吗?我们会利用好这一天吗?我们会抓住机会悔改认罪,并尽可能与神和好吗?还是我们让机会从我们身边溜走?愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。
Soon it Will be Too Late to Repent
Many people will run out of time to repent, thinking that they have all the time in the world. A lot of people want to, “experience life now” and they push back the work of Jesus Christ, saying that they want to experience the fun of their youth, the fun of having children, the fun of living lives THEIR WAY, serving SELF and then in their OLDER life they will give themselves fully to God to do His work. But what they don’t know is all of our days are numbered and there is a set time for salvation and if you pass that time, there is no more opportunity to reconcile with God. Jesus said in John chapter 11 verse 9; “Are there not 12 hours in the day, if anyone walks in the day he does not stumble because he sees the light of this world, but if one walks in the night he stumbles because the light is not in him.” There is time that we are given to repent, it is called the DAY. It is our opportunity to reconcile with God and to make a 180, turning away from sin, turning away from people that cause us to live ungodly, that cause us to stumble. And after we turn our backs on what is evil, then we turn towards the LORD and walk with Him with all of our might. But many people will be too late, even though they seek after the truth with blood, sweat and tears they will not make it in. Remember the parable Jesus taught about the 5 wise and he 5 foolish virgins. 5 of them had oil in their lamb and 5 of them didn’t. But all 10 of them had lamps. The lamp represents that you are a Christian, or you are a pilgrim in this world seeking truth. But just because you are seeking truth, just because you say you believe in God and the bible and you know that Jesus died on the cross, does not mean you have OIL IN YOUR LAMP! Just because you believe does not mean you are a Spirit filled believer. And many Christians are not filled with that oil of the Holy Spirit, they go throughout their live serving themselves, they miss the opportunity to repent, it passes the 12th hour and suddenly they find themselves like the 5 foolish virgins who begin to knock and say; “Lord open to us.” And the answer they get is; “You already had time to repent GO AWAY, they door is already closed.” When God shuts the door, you will have no more opportunity to enter. What can you say to God? What can you possibly say to Him after the door is closed? You will not have any words. No amount of pleading, no amount of crying, nothing will convince Him to let you in. Your opportunity is RIGHT NOW! TODAY! TODAY if you hear the Lord’s voice, call upon Him, repent of your sins, confess your sins. If you haven’t yet, be baptized in water and then wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Receive the OIL IN YOUR LAMP and then walk with Jesus Christ to the very end of your life. Prove that you have the works of righteousness by what you do, not just by what you say. A lot of people believe the gospel with their lips, they profess that they are believers with their mouth, they sing the glory of God out of their lips but their actions PROVE that they are the FOOLISH! Will we be the children of the light? Will we take advantage of the day? Will we take the opportunity to repent and to confess and get right with God while we can? Or will the opportunity pass us by? May the grace of Jesus be with you.
